Sapna Jahan...

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The Bose Residence, the Dixit Mansion, and the Malhotra Mansion were all decked up like a beautiful bride for DevAkshi's wedding! The pre-wedding shopping had kick-started with a bang!
Vihaan-Nia and Shriya-Harsh were scheduled to arrive in two days, having wrapped up all their work and giving strict instructions to their employees to not disturb them in any case and handle any problems - if they arose.

Sonakshi could not be more happy than she already was - for she was going to marry the man of her dreams in the company of her family! It was everything she could have ever asked for! DevAkshi, along with their moms, Anjali and Soumya, were at the boutique of the best fashion designer in the city - Ahana Mehra - who also happened to be Ishwari's friend since their college days. All the wedding attires that were draped over the mannequins were pretty and the couple and their family, were going to have a hard time finalizing one for the groom and his bride; as well as for themselves.
Both Dev and Sonakshi were going to have to try on different outfits that complemented each other's for all the pre-wedding rituals; each having a color theme.

The older ladies decided to select the attires in sequence with the rituals that were to take place and all DevAkshi's outfits were to be color-coordinated. The color theme for Mehendi was green and Sonakshi wanted a delicate yet intricate outfit for this ceremony. They were going through catalog after catalog to finalize one for the same when Dev's eyes landed on a dark green lehenga draped over one of the mannequins. He immediately knew that it was the type of dress that Sonakshi would love and something that would look amazing on her. He nudged Sona to look I'm in the direction of the lehenga, and the twinkle in Sonakshi's eyes told him that he had made the perfect choice. Sona then spotted a yellow-colored lehenga that she knew was the one for her Haldi - since the color theme for this ceremony was yellow. She then scanned her eyes around and saw a simple yet beautiful white sherwani suit - which she knew would compliment Dev amazingly well.

Having found the perfect dresses, Sonakshi was made to get in the trial room first, to try the dresses on, so that they could make alterations in them, if need be. Grabbing the dresses carefully, Sona entered into the trial room and the other ladies (except for Soumya) walked to the next counter - the Jewelry Section. Soumya made her brother stay with her; a mischievous idea playing on her mind.
As Sona put on her first dress, she struggled with the zipper. She knew that Soumya was waiting for her outside her trial room and thus called her. However, what she did not know was that Dev was there as well and her sister-in-law had some naughty idea on her mind. Instead of answering Sona, Soumya silently beckoned for Dev and said, "Bhai, Bhaabi was calling me for something, but I erm...I need to use the loo! Please help her with whatever she wants, I will be back. Okay, bye!!", and quite literally ran from there; leaving Dev with no other option than to do what she had asked to! Taking in a deep breath, he softly knocked on the door and Sona asked him to usher in; thinking him to be Soumya. Dev entered into the trial room and stood rooted to his place for Sona was standing there in her lehenga set; fixing the bottom while the top was just hooked at the lowest. She was almost bare-backed and that was enough for Dev to get speechless. Realizing that it was eerily silent with Soumya present in the room, Sona raised her head to see what was wrong - only to be shocked to see Dev in his sister's place. But soon enough the shock was replaced by a Jurassic Park let loose in her tummy, courtesy - the raging fire of desire, that was crystal clear in Dev's eyes. For instance, Sona thought of turning about (feeling shy of their position); but immediately decided against it, since it was her Dev, standing behind her. Taking a bold step and surprising both, Dev and herself, Sona took a couple of steps behind to where Dev was - still in the same position as he was in when he had entered.

Pulling her hair in her left shoulder and with a small (almost invisible) smirk on her face, she said in an oh-so-innocent tone," Dev please zip me up!?" Dev, who had instantly caught on Sonakshi's naughty plan, smirked to himself and replied, "Sure!" 'Two could play the game!', he thought. He lightly snaked his hand around her waist and pulled her closer; all the while watching her reaction in the mirror. Sona felt as if she would melt under Dev's touch; her breathing went haywire and she closed her eyes. Dev, deliberately slowly, started zipping up Sonakshi's blouse; his touch igniting every cell of her body. Done with what he was doing, Dev kissed Sona on the spot between her neck and shoulder; to which Sona did let out a moan. Not being able to bear Dev's sweet tortures anymore, she swiftly turned around and hungrily kissed Dev on the lips, taking him by surprise! Dev groaned and kissed her back with equal passion; pinning her to the mirror. As they broke apart for the need of oxygen, Dev dipped into the curve of Sona's shoulder and dropped wet kisses; making her tither like a leaf under his touch. However, he knew his limits and stopped; not wanting to make Sona feel uncomfortable. He softly pecked Sona on the forehead and looking at her in the eyes said, "Beautiful!"; making her blush as usual!
Dev, kissing Sona on the lips again, left the room - before anyone could notice; leaving Sona wondering as to what had happened in the past few minutes! As soon as Dev emerged from the trial room, Soumya who was sitting there, smiled evilly at him. He gave her a 'Whatever' look, but Soumya didn't miss the tinge of pink that painted her brother's cheeks; and was genuinely happy for him and Sona. Just as Soumya was about you pull her brother's leg, Dev had gotten a call; saving him from his mischievous sister's teasing session.

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