Hulla Re!

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A week had passed since DevAkshi had confessed their love to each other. Ever since, they had gotten closer - emotionally, mentally, and physically too. Both would often go out on dates if and when the time would permit; both would sneak out of their houses at midnight and drive to their favourite place - Marine Drives; it was merriment and joy all around.
To add to their happiness, DevAkshi's wedding was only weeks away! It was piqued to be one of the best and grandest weddings, the maxim city had ever heard of! So much was to be done and time was flying by. DevAkshi had not properly met each other for the previous couple of dates since Sonakshi had been surrounded by the ladies; discussing the wedding shopping! But instead of throwing tantrums, Dev understood her situation; though he was being restless to spend some alone and quality time with her!

One such weekend, the Dixits and the Boses had gathered at the Malhotras' to discuss a few things about the upcoming wedding and also to have a get-together.
DevAkshi were elated to see each other in a long time (which was only a couple of days; but it was long for them nonetheless!); but still weren't able to spend the lone time, being surrounded by so many people! Poor Dev was restless to be alone with Sonakshi, and so was she! So post-dinner, when everyone was seated in the living room, sipping on their Cuppas, Dev moved to his bedroom and texted Sona to meet him in a few minutes; and she complied wanting the same. Citing some excuse, Sona walked off to Dev's room, making everyone chuckle behind her! Everyone was aware that she was going to Dev, but they gave the couple their much-needed space.

Once at the threshold of his room, Sona was about to call him out; cuz she didn't find him in. But before she could do so, Dev appeared from somewhere and pinned her to the now locked door; and Sona's breath accelerated!
Tracing along the contours of her face; that made her feet turn into a Jell-O; Dev said in a husky tone, "I missed you!" Playing along, Sona slid her hands up Dev's chest and snaking it around his neck, replied, "I missed you too!"; and softly kissed him on his lips - which went from soft to intense in a nanosecond; since DevAkshi were involved! They poured in their love and longing through the kiss.

Joining their foreheads after breaking the kiss, Dev said, "I love you, Miss Bose!" "I love you more, Mr. Dixit!", Sona replied, blushing. It had been days since Dev had proposed to her, yet hearing him tell her that he loved her, made her all giddy with happiness! Sitting on the bed, they both let each other on, about what had been happening in the time spent away. That was the best part of their relationship - discussing every single thing with one another.
The days were passing on in jiffy, with all the shopping, discussion of ceremonies, etc.; for DevAkshi, their days were spent talking to each other and nights were spent yearning to be with the other; whilst reminiscing about them. 

Everybody had taken a set of responsibilities and all were religiously working on it!
Shriya-Harsh and Vihaan-Nia were to fly down for a little less than a week from then and Sonakshi couldn't have been happier; and seeing her happy made Dev happy too!
As each moment passed, neither DevAkshi nor their families could contain the excitement and adrenaline rush they felt!

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