Bullies -- TravrickxBroshxFOB

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Patrick was running down the hall from his biggest bullies, Travie McCoy, Brendon Urie and Josh Dun. They're all hot but all so mean, poor Patrick didn't do anything to deserve any of the bully, but all they do is laugh at the boy. They laugh at his weight, the fact that he doesn't have a father, the clothes he wears, the hats he puts on. Poor Patrick was ashamed of himself, of what he was made to look like. Nobody liked him, he doesn't have any friends at the school because they all laugh, they even call him Pig. Patrick was so ashamed that he started harming himself, nobody would even care if he ended up killing himself, but he knew that he had a bright future.

Patrick was fed up with the bullying, he didn't go to school for many weeks, he only worked out. He stopped harming, he lost so much weight, he was skinny, healthy skinny. He bleached his hair blonde, started wearing leather jackets and skinny jeans, changed his hats to fedoras. What will they think now?

The next day, he walked into school, nothing changed. People stared at him, whispered things. Then he saw them, Travie has more tattoos, so does Josh but he dyed his hair purple, and Brendon's hair changed so much, its like a fuckboy hair style now. Brendon looked around, until his eyes landed on the bleach blonde boy. Brendon nudged his friends, their heads turning around, eyes examining Patrick's new look. The three bullies walk over to Patrick, everyone stops talking and stares.

"so I see you finally lost weight. " Brendon remarks.

"I didn't do it for you guys. " Patrick says while rolling his eyes.

"we got sass?" Josh asks, staring at Patrick.

"yes, I got fucking sass. " Patrick says, fingers curling into a fist.

"we can beat you up you know. " Travie says, nudging Patrick.

"and I can fight back. " Patrick tells him.

"that's funny. " Brendon chuckles. Next thing he knows, Patrick punches him in the nose. Josh grabs Patrick's arms, but little Pat kicks him straight in the balls. Travie gets mad at that, he looks at Patrick.

"are you gonna something?" Patrick teases.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you. " Travie says, gritting his teeth.

"put on your war paint. " Patrick sings. Travie looks at him in confusion.

"You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down, strick a match and I'll burn you to the ground. " Patrick sings again. Everyone is confused, until they hear Andy, Pete and Joe playing along.

"we are the jack'o lanterns in July. " He keeps singing, Trav didn't understand what was going on, he didn't understand why Patrick was singing, he didn't understand why Patrick actually looked attractive, he didn't understand things.

"why are you singing!" Travie yells.

"Put on your war paint!" everyone sings.

"I don't understand!" Trav yells again.

"I'm gonna change you like a remix, then I'll raise you like a Phoenix. " Patrick then ends the song. Pete, Andy and Joe walk over beside Patrick. Pete does some hand movement, a bright light coming from his hands, then everything went white.

Travie blinks his eyes, he then lifts his head up and then looks around, he spots Pete, Patrick, Andy and Joe standing there. A nurse walks in and says.

"Peter hit you pretty hard. "

"what?" Travie is so confused.

"yeah. " pete agrees, staring at Travie, Pete smirks.

He knows what happened.
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