My teacher and boyfriend -- JoshlerxDallon

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Part 2

"I had to tell Josh." Tyler says nervously.

"What!" Dallon shouts.

"I'm sorry! He was getting suspicious!" Tyler shouts right back.

"He'll probably report me and I'll lose my fucking job!" Dallon sighs.

"Or maybe he can join us." Tyler says running his finger down his teachers chest.

"Tyler no."

"Tyler yes."

Dallon groans then rolls his eyes.

"Fine, if you can convince him." Dallon says pushing Tyler out of the classroom.

"Yes sir." Tyler says, walking away swaying his hips.

"Fucking tease." Dallon mutters to himself.


Josh and Tyler walked down the hall together, hand in hand. Tyler told Josh about how he wanted him to try with him and Dallon, and surprisingly he said yes. It was very exciting for the both of them, and maybe it will be exciting for Dallon aswell.

"Here we are!" Tyler squeals.

"You seem way to excited for this Tyler." Josh says chuckling.

"Well I love sex." Tyler says to Josh.

"Right." Josh says with a smile.

Josh then opens the door, and looks around the classroom, soon spotting Dallon at his desk.

"Hello Mr. Weekes!" Josh greets.

"Hello Joshua!" Dallon salutes.

"Are we ready?" Dallon asks the two.

"I was born ready!" Tyler squeals again.

Soon, all their clothes were off and Tyler was on his knees with Josh dick down his throat and Dallon dick in his hand. Then he switched, Dallons dick down his throat and Joshs dick in his hand.

"What a slut." Josh says grabbing Tyler's hair a shoves him more on Dallons dick.

"There you go baby." Their teacher says moaning.

Josh then picks him up and then bends him over a desk in the classroom. Dallon then goes behind him and pushes into the tight space, Josh goes in front of Tyler and puts his dick in his mouth. Dallon ends up pounding into Tyler, making the younger boy moan around Josh dick, making the blue haired boy moan.

"Switch?" Josh asks.

"Sure." Dallon says pulling out of Tyler.

Josh then goes behind Tyler pushes into his stretched hole, and Dallon pushes into Tyler mouth. After a few more thrust Tyler cums on the desk with a muffled moan, and that made Josh cum inside Tyler's ass. Dallon then cums down Tyler throat with a groan.

"We should do this some other time." Dallon says looking at the two.

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ᴮᵞᴱ ᴸᴼᵛᴱᴸᵞˢ!

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