Needing Help and Not Being Crazy

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Elizabeth's POV
I took a deep breath. "Something bad is happening to me and I don't know how to make it stop." I swallowed and started again. "I was walking down the corridor and I started seeing all these black spots and then I must have passed out. When I woke up, I was standing at the library at home and Dad was there, he asked about my scar." I ran a finger along it, a habit I had developed recently. "He said that he hadn't meant it to happen and that he didn't think it would cause so much pain." I creased my brow, the next bit confused me the most. "Then he apologised for the hurt he was going to cause me in the coming months. He said that it was the only way to get me back and control me again. He said it was the only way to keep everyone safe. Then he threatened me, told me to do as he said or he'd have to punish me. Then I came round on the floor." I stared into the face across from me, a face that was so familiar but so unreadable. "I just need it to stop. It's like some sick joke and I am scared and I can't take it anymore!" Nobody said anything for a few minutes and the silence was deafening. "Please say something." I begged of either of them, wanting them to say anything.
"That sounds like Dad to me." Jace said slowly.
"It was dad, I swear it was. He called me Ellie, Jace." My voice cracked and I started sobbing again. Joe was there beside me in seconds pulling me into his body letting me cry chest heaving sobs into his shirt front rubbing my back trying to comfort me.
Jace's POV
I watched dumbfounded as my sister sobbed into Joe's shirt. I was trying to digest what she had said and I felt helpless as I sat across from her letting her cry on someone else. I had no idea what to do. She never really cried as a child. Sure she'd whine and scream but never properly cry tears but now she sat crying on to someone she considered more family than me. By the Angel our lives were messed up. She was seeing our dead Father while she was unconscious. He was talking to her, threatening her. This was more than just exhaustion or a fever dream. This was dangerous and I couldn't protect her from it.
"Lizzie, I think we should call the silent brothers." She pulled her head up and shook it. "Why not?"
"They'd think I'm crazy and lock me up." She mumbled her voice thick with tears.
"Lizzie, as much as I hate to say this but this is too much for us to handle ourselves. You need help."
"You can't tell the Clave Jace!" She said adamantly. "I wouldn't be allowed to go on duty again!"
"What about Magnus then?" I suggested. "Don't you trust him?"
"I do but I don't want to trouble him." She mumbled.
"Liza, you know that he'd want you to tell him. He'd want to help." Joe whispered to her.
"Fine I'll speak to Magnus!" She stood up. "But you have to promise me not to tell anyone else. I will not be labelled as crazy!"  She then ran out the room.
Elizabeth's POV
I ran back to my room and sat on my bed. I knew I needed help but I didn't want to involve Magnus.  He had saved my life before, I didn't want to seem like that's all I used him for. It took me about half an hour before I felt steady enough to call him. He picked up straight away.
"What's up my little Button?" He answered brightly.
"Magnus...." I broke down on the phone and then felt stupid for it.
"Eliza, what's happened?" He asked worriedly.
"I think... I think I need your help." I started to tell him what happened but it turned into a confusing tangle of words and bad grammar.
"Okay Eliza, I want you to take a nice deep breath for me can you do that?" He asked reassuringly. I took a deep breath. "Good girl. Now tell me again what happened slowly and clearly."  I did as he said and filled him in on what had happened.
"I agree with you. You do need help but I can't do it over the phone. I'm busy tonight, do you think you can come over tomorrow morning? I think this may be the work of a warlock but for now I suggest that you try to relax. Getting upset or stressed won't do you any good. Try to get some sleep. Get someone to stay and watch you, get them to wake you up every few hours. If it happens again I want you to write down exactly what happened, every detail you can remember. Everything is going to be okay Button. I'm going to do my best to help. Is there someone there with you?" He said calmly, his tone making me feel better.
"Umm, Joe's in the library." I said quietly.
"Okay good, I want you to go get him. I need to talk to him."
"Okay, I'll be back in a minute." I put him on hold and ran to fetch Joe. "Magnus wants to talk to you."
Joe's POV
I picked up the phone. "Magnus, you still there?"
"Yes, Joesph?" He asked.
"Right, I want you to stay with her tonight, I'm worried she'll do something... dangerous.  Wake her up every few hours, make sure she speaks to you before you let her sleep again, ask her simple questions. Try to get her to relax. She needs rest if this is what I think it is. I'll call again in the morning before you head over here. Just please look after my button for me?" He begged me. "She doesn't deserve this."
"Magnus, do you doubt for a second that I would let anything happen to her?" I asked him seriously.
"No of course not. She's everything to you."
"Yeah, she is." I mumbled.
"Oh and Joseph?" He asked as a second thought.
"Yeah Mags?"
"Don't forget to look after yourself too."
"I won't."
"Good. Alright, I'll call first thing. Bye."
"Bye." I hung up. "So Liza, how does a movie and some homemade wedges sound?"
"Great." The poor thing looked like she just wanted to curl up and sleep for days.
"Well how about you take a nice long bath while I make them?" She nodded and I left her drawing a bath while I went to cook wedges hoping there were potatoes in the institute.
Two hours later, we were sitting on the sofa at the end of her bed watching titanic on the small t.v on the wall. The bowl that held the wedges laid empty on the floor and Liza was half asleep wrapped in a fluffy blanket against me. I smiled a little, happy that she was relaxing and looked a little better.
"Do you wanna go to bed?" I asked her keeping my voice low. She just nodded her response. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her over to the bed. She fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed. I smiled again turning off the t.v and pulling out a book ready for the long night ahead of me.

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