An Unauthorised Trip

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Elizabeth's POV
I heard someone call my name from down the street, I turned and saw Jace hanging out of the infirmary window shouting at me. I smiled, waved and continued down the street. Oh we were so in trouble when we got back but what did it matter? We were together and we were having fun. I couldn't care less what Jace thought.
We turned the corner and found ourselves on a very busy street. Joe stopped and pulled out his phone looking up the nearest cinema.
"It's about a twenty minute walk. Feel like you can make it?" He asked me casually tucking his phone back away in his pocket.
"Twenty minutes is that all?" I said jokingly.
"I'll take that as a yes. Promise me if you start to feel unwell you'll tell me?"
"Yes!" I rolled my eyes. "You really shouldn't worry so much. It's bad for your health."
"And so is being unconscious for hours. Do forgive me if I worry about the fact that you, a perfectly healthy young woman fell unconscious for hours for no apparent reason and now is walking around like nothing happen." He glared down at me.
"I'm fine! I promise. I don't even have a headache." I pleaded with him. He could be so overprotective at times.
"Alright then. Let's get a move on the film starts in half an hour." He started to walk down the street and I followed him pushing past people to catch up with him. It was starting to get warm with the noon sun shining down on the city. It wasn't a pleasant heat either, it was sticky and heavy and there was a definite feeling of a storm in the air. After a few minutes I was too warm and peeled the thick leather off my warm body. I finally caught up to Joe who was waiting from me at the crossing at the end of the street.
"Slow down I have short legs!" I called as I jogged the last few yards to him.
"I forget that sometimes." He muttered raking  a hand through his dark hair. "I thought I'd lost you."
"No, you just have an abnormally long pace." I shrugged.
Joe's POV
She shrugged and I noticed she'd taken off her jacket revealing her pale arms covered in the scars of old runes.
"Maybe you just have an abnormally short pace." I counted.
"Oh yes blame it on the short person." She said sarcastically.
"You're not short, you're petite." I corrected her like she'd done to me a thousand times.
"Oh ha ha." She said dryly. That was another thing I was going to miss; our easy banter as we went about our daily lives. We could even banter when we were in the middle of a fight with a demon. "So what film are we seeing?" She asked lightly.
"It's a surprise." I winked and off we went again but this time I walked a little slower so she could keep up.
Jace's POV
I stormed out of the infirmary. "Alec! Izzy!"
"What?!" Izzy shouted back irritated.
"Lizzie's run off with Joe!" I shouted as she walked out of her room with Clary on her tail.
"She's a big girl Jace. I'm pretty sure she can look after herself especially if Joe's there too." She rolled her eyes and stalked back to her room.
"Don't worry, she'll be okay Jace." Clary tried to reassure me before following Izzy. The pair of them were getting closer. That was probably a good thing. Angel knows she needed a friend just about now. I mean other than that Mundie boy Simon.
"How do you know that?!" I called after her. Alec appeared a few seconds later.
"Jace, calm down. I'm sure she's fine. She's a good shadowhunter and she has Joe as back up." He soothed me like only he knew how. "But if it would make you feel better we can go look for them."
"Thank you! I only just got her back. I can't lose her again." I sighed in relief.
Elizabeth's POV
We made to the cinema with five minutes to spare which we used wisely by piling as many toppings as we could onto our ice creams before taking our seats in the small hot theatre and waiting for the film to start.
Two hours later, we wondered out of the cinema on to the streets.
"That was amazing!" I said to him enthusiastically. My head dizzy from the experience.
"I agree but how would you know that? You fell asleep half way through!" Joe started laughing.
"I did not! I was simply resting my eyes." I protested, the dizziness increasing disturbingly fast.
"Yeah, that's what they always say." He rolled his eyes. "You wanna head back to the institute or do you want to find somewhere to eat first?"
"Can you just wait a sec? I'm feeling a little light headed." I grabbed onto his arm as the world spun dangerously.
'I will find you Ellie. I will find you again.' The voice in my head said over and over as the street spun out of focus. I knew that it was my father again. He was the only one who called me Ellie. I never understood how he got Ellie from Elizabeth. 'Your brother doesn't want you. He doesn't love you. He wishes you never found him.' He whispered nastily in my head. 'But I want you. I love you. You are my perfect daughter. Let me find you.'
"Elizabeth? You're scaring me."
Joe's POV
Her eyes were as wide as saucers. She was gripping onto my arm hard so her knuckles went white. Her eyes were glossy and unseeing. Finally she focused on my face and let go standing up straight.
"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.
"Yeah, I'm probably just hungry. Lets find some food then go back." She smiled at me with a fake grin and I knew there was something she wasn't telling me.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I am so hungry!" She smiled again.
"Okay then." I replied warily. She grabbed my hand.
"I saw an Italian place on the way here that looked good."
Jace's POV
I found my phone and Liz's number and hoped it was still the same. It rang once, twice, a third time before she picked up.
"Jace?" She asked cautiously.
"Where are you?!" I demanded.
"An Italian place eating lunch." She informed me.
"Well get your butt home!" I shouted down the line, I heard her sigh.
"Jace, I am eating lunch with Joe. We both have weapons. We both know how to fight. We'll be fine."
"No! I don't care how well you can fight or how many weapons you have! It's not safe!" I shouted.
"Sir? The boy will be leaving your daughter in a month's time."
"Very good. I simply need to convince her to leave her brother now. Then in due course I will have them both back."
"Why both sir?"
"Elizabeth will come to me and then her brother will follow and I will have my family back."
"Forgive me for asking sir, but why go to all this trouble to get her to come willingly? Why not just take her? She is simply a shadowhunter child and no match for you."
"Yes it would be much more simple if she was simply a shadowhunter child but she is not. She is more than that. She better than both my previous attempts. The perfect mix of both. Almost exactly half of each. She is perfect. Exactly how I wanted her, imagined her to be. And that is why I need her with me. She is far too dangerous out there alone especially if we are about to rip the one person she thinks she loves away. With that much emotional trauma she is capable of anything. " 

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