Training Sucks

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Elizabeth's POV

As the weeks went on my father, no Valentine, told me a little more about my mother and my childhood. He also resumed his usual teaching technique of pushing me until I nearly broke and forcing me to do lessons and drills from before dawn until I fell asleep standing up. If I dared to make a mistake he would make me repeat whatever it was until I could do it blindfolded then he wouldn't give me dinner.

He began to trust me a little more as I grew under his careful instruction into his 'perfect' daughter. I could fight harder than I ever could before but would be physically exhausted after. I had no stamina. I was losing weight faster than I was gaining any even with the precisely balanced meals I was given three times a day. My mental state wasn't fairing any better. A thick heavy emptiness engulfed me as soon as my door was locked at night. It was as if all my emotions were dulled. The only thing I felt was pain. My whole body ached constantly. The grief I felt from the loss of my family and destruction of everything I knew crushed me and ultimately I felt hopeless. I missed my brother, even if he wasn't my brother. I missed Magnus who was more of a father to me than the man who claimed to be. I missed Clary, Alec and Izzy even though we'd only just met. I didn't miss Joe though, it was something more than that, as if a part of my very being was missing. I worried about him every minute I was awake, we hadn't been apart for this long since we met and I worried how he would cope. I wasn't coping. I was dying inside slowly.

"Again!" He called harshly. "Come on Elizabeth! Focus!" He shouted as I missed again and landed on my back once more sending shooting pains up my spine. "Get up!" He hissed. I pulled myself off the floor, pain flaring across my hip and down through my thigh muscle. "Are you in pain?" I shook my head grimacing against the pain. He walked over to me and ran a hand over the side I landed more heavily causing me to swallow a scream. "I thought so. Do not lie to me!" He shouted. "Now sit." I sat and he drew a quick iratze over my back. "Now, get up and do it again until I say stop."  I groaned and stood up. I switched off as soon as he lunged at me again.

Joe's POV

I hadn't left Liza's room in days. It worried everyone, I couldn't eat or sleep or even stop hunting for Liza for more than a few minutes at a time. My face grew pale after weeks spent inside. The bags under my eyes were dark purple. I wasn't doing well, my head pounded constantly and my energy levels were nil.

I sat on the floor of her almost spotless room with everything I had on Liza spread around me. She would have killed me for the mess I'd made. But it was all worthless though, every last scrap of it. In truth, I had nothing. All these pieces of paper eluded to absolutely nothing. We had no leads, no sightings, no tracking hits. It was pointless. She was lost and I was quickly losing faith. I didn't know how much longer I could go on living like this. I needed to have her back here where I could keep her safe. It scared the life out of me to even imagine what was happening to her. I could feel it in my bones that she was alive. I thought I would know that she was dead, I would feel it, wouldn't I?

I rarely saw anyone most days, the institute was mostly empty, Clary, Jace, Alec and Izzy spent most days away from the building trying to find Clary's mother amongst other things. Magnus hadn't contacted me since we told him what had happened. I hoped he was doing okay. The thing was, I wasn't shocked, Magnus had only ever showed any interest in me because I was Liza's partner otherwise he was totally indifferent towards me. I just hoped he was having better luck than I was in finding her. It was almost as if she disappeared off the face of the planet, but there had to be some sort of trace of her, she couldn't just be gone. She was out there somewhere. She had to be. People don't just stop existing, there was always a trace. I just had to find it.


Elizabeth's POV

Even after I finally managed to block his manoeuvre he made me continue training. He pushed me harder than usual and all I wanted to do was sleep. My whole body ached with exhaustion. Something was different with him today, I could tell, as if something big was about to happen. He was being extra brutal.

We were practicing falls now. It hurt. A lot. He would push me and I'd fall onto the less than soft mats. It didn't matter how I fell, I'd be covered in bruises. At least if I fell right I wouldn't be as winded. Well, that's what I hoped as I laid on the mat recovering from the last fall.

"Well done Ellie, that was the best one yet." Valentine congratulated as he offered me a hand to help me up. "You wouldn't have died that time if you were fighting a demon." He added sarcastically. I smiled tightly as I got on to my feet ignoring his hand as a protest and stretched. "I think that will do. You've worked hard today. I'm glad you've finally put some effort in. You'll be strong enough to help me soon. You can have the rest of the night off."

"Why? Is there something going on tonight?" I asked eying him suspiciously.

"Nothing you need to worry about but yes. In fact should everything go to plan you should be reunited with your brother and Clary. That should put a smile on your face. You constantly look like I've killed your cat." He laughed harshly. "Now run along. Your dinner is waiting in your room."

I walked slowly to my 'room' more like cell. This was a new development. He was letting me walk around the inside of where ever we were alone. I went straight to my room not wanting to lose this newly earned privilege. The room while still bare and cold had been warmed up with a large all be it threadbare rug and a couple of patchwork quilts on the bed. Valentine had brought me an old desk as well in an effort to make the cell more homely, he even added some thick curtains to ward off the cold wind that blew in through the small window.

I sat down in the wooden chair at my desk and pulled out one of my notebooks he'd given me for latin. Inside I had listed the various things I had discovered over the never ending weeks. The list was short and sorely lacking but it was all I had to piece together my whereabouts. It was clear by now that it would be impossible for anyone to rescue me. The first thing that Valentine had done after that first meeting was to activate my anti-tracking ruin and I was pretty sure we were over water making tracking not an option. Since I wasn't allowed outside there was no way I could be spotted and rescued. So if I wanted out I had to do it myself. If they were planning to take Jace tonight then a vast majority of them would be gone. Jace wouldn't let them take him without a fight, especially if they wanted Clary too. So only my two usual guards would be left to watch over me and they were easily pushed over. It was possible that I'd be able to wonder around and maybe even go outside. This was my chance to find out exactly what I was up against.

"You should have a rest. As much as it pleases me to see you study, you can barely keep your eyes open." I jumped as Valentine walked into my room.

Quickly I tucked my notebook away and turned to face him. "I will, I was just looking over  some new words."

"Good girl. You haven't touched your food yet." He said pointing out the tray of steaming food. It was soup for a change.

"Oh, I didn't realise it was there." I lied before giving him a forced smile.

"Well, just make sure you eat it all. We are about to leave now. I don't know how long we'll be but if nothing else, I'll see you in the morning." I nodded. "Okay well goodbye Darling." He came over and kissed me on the forehead and I tried not to cringe. He left and I heard the door lock click as it shut. There went my plan for the evening. The guards wouldn't let me out now so I guess I had nothing better to do than eat the soup and sleep. So that was what I did. I soon slipped into a deep sleep and dreamed of seeing my family again.

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