A Visit to a Warlock

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Joe's POV
I shook Liza's sleeping body to wake her, my legs were going to sleep and that position couldn't be comfortable. She didn't respond, I wasn't too worried, she was a heavy sleeper, could sleep through a demon attack and not stir once. I picked her up and carried her to her room. She probably was exhausted after the last couple of days and just need to sleep it off. I laid her down on the bed and then collapsed on the bed too suddenly tired.
"It seems daughter, that you wish to do nothing but disobey me." He approached the small girl, she seemed almost fragile, so willowy. He supposed that came from her mother, who was petite too. "First you tell them about our little conversations when I specifically told you not to and then of all things you confess your pathetic love to that pathetic boy. Do you wish me to punish you?"
The girl had delicate, beautiful features and anger filled blue eyes- he had been so glad when she opened them for the first time and he saw that deep blue colour, it meant he had got it right, finally- no more looked like the chubby cheeked freckled child he remembered so fondly. She looked up at him and squared her jaw. "I'm not afraid of you anymore. You are dead and you hold no power over me. You are a corpse, dead and buried and I for one am thankful for it." She told him defiantly and with a confidence he'd never heard in her voice before.
"It seems that the situation is a lot more severe than I expected. It is clear that you will not join me willingly. Nonetheless you will be by my side even if it means ripping from the arms of your brother."
"Speaking about Jace, why don't you want him, he is your son of course, much more appropriate for whatever it is you are planning." She crossed her arms over her chest. "And he always was better behaved than me, he listened to you. But no, you want your weak, pathetic, stubborn daughter." She spat the word out as if it was poison. "Instead of your perfect, strong, loyal son. You always loved him more than me, he was perfect but I... I was just a drunken mistake wasn't I? The child neither of my parents really wanted. I constantly disappointed you, I couldn't do what you wanted me to, I wasn't as strong as you wanted me to be, and I couldn't learn as fast as you expected me to. I was too fragile for you then, so what's changed?"
"I have watched you, you are strong and have the possibility of being so much stronger than you know. You are special and much to your disbelief you are perfect, my perfect daughter. The perfect mix. As much as you have unintentionally disappointed me in the past, I will forgive you as you will come to forgive me in time once you understand. And regarding your questions concerning your brother, I have no doubt that he will join me after I have you back. He would do anything for you."
"And Joe, you expect that he will just let me leave and join my psychotic supposedly dead father who practically abused me for the first nine years of my life. In fact how do you plan on getting me to join you? You may know where I am, who I'm with but there is no way in this entire universe that I would come with you willingly not after what you did to me. I would rather kill myself with a blade of demon metal than join you in crazy town and become your quote perfect daughter again." She seethed with anger, it rolled off her in waves and it shocked him that she could hate him as much as she did. In fact it made him feel sick, no child should despise their own Father as much as his daughter did.
"I'm simply going to give you no choice. You see when you are here with me, your body is completely vulnerable. I simple have to wait until you are alone and take you. It won't be difficult and you won't be able to do any damage to yourself." He placed a gentle hand on her cheek and smiled.
"It doesn't matter when you take me, or where for that matter because I won't stay." she said quietly, jerking away from him. "I promise you that I will try to escape every moment you keep me captive. I don't care if it takes years I will escape you and you will regret the day you ever chose to bring me back into your life." She threatened, then by some miracle she broke free of the spell herself.
Elizabeth's POV
I sat up with a start. I couldn't believe what I'd just done no doubt I'd just poked a rather large and unpredictable bear and I'd just pulled myself out of a spell that I didn't control. I ran a hand through my now dishevelled curls and realised I was back in my room with Joe napping peacefully beside me. Without disturbing him I dropped a kiss on his forehead before I slipped off the bed and out the room in search of my brother.
"Oh Beth, there you are!" Clary exclaimed coming round the corner. "How did that talk go?"
"Surprisingly, it contained no actual talking." She looked at me confused, I shot her a small smile and said. "I'll tell you later but first will you tell Jace I need to speak with him after I get back?"
"Ummm sure, but where are you going? Will it be safe?" She asked looking worried.
"Yes I'll be fine. I'm just going to see Magnus, I have a magic problem I need some advice on." She nodded and I rushed out of the institute and hailed a cab wanting to get to Magnus's place down in Greenpoint as quickly as possible without the risk of me collapsing in the middle of the road. The cab pulled over a few minutes later, I paid the driver and ran up the stair to Magnus's apartment. I knocked loudly on the door and it was flung open soon after.
"Eliza, what a nice surprise!" He smiled at me.
"Magnus, I'm here on business." I tell him and he pulled me into the room and sat me down on the couch. "I had another.... episode but I was different this time. I had this pain in my head then I fell asleep. I managed to pull myself out of it this time."
"That is intriguing." He said thoughtfully getting up to retrieve a book from one of the shelves .
"We were arguing about how much of a terrible daughter I am. Then he suddenly decided I was special and his perfect daughter." I said with distaste. " Then to top it all off he declared he was going to kidnap me so I could join him again." I finished sighing. "Magnus I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I was hoping you could give me some advice."
"Firstly." He said pointing a slender finger at me. "I hope you told him exactly where he could stick his whole perfect daughter act. Secondly, did he tell you how he's going to retrieve you?"
"Well after I told him I'd rather stab myself with a demon metal dagger then join him, he freaked out and said that since I am about as helpless as a new born while he has me in one of his trances he could just carry me away as long as I was alone so I guess that's how." I shrugged. "And since he controls it, it could happen at any moment so I'm more than a little anxious."
"Well at least we know some of his plan." He said calmly, leaning back into the couch and flicking through the open book he'd retrieved from the bookshelves seconds earlier.  Magnus said waving his hand. "So I have found this passage about the spell I assume this person is using, to make the link you need something of the person you are trying to contact, a hair, blood, something with huge emotional significance that sort of thing. Using hair is risky, since you grow new hair constantly any hair more than a couple months old would lose it's link so I'm thinking it's something that emotionally significant, the more he's talking to you, the more he makes you despise him, the less powerful the link is or your emotional attachment to this item has lessened. The spell is effectively losing it's power, if we wait long enough, he won't be able to contact you." He explained pointing to a page in the old, highly decorated book.
"How long are we talking? A few days, a few weeks?" I asked worried, I didn't think I could cope with another one of his psychic messages, it was really messing me up.
"It depends on what it is that he is using. If we can figure out what it is, you could stop caring and all it's power would be gone."
I rolled my eyes. "Because that is going to be so easy!"
"Positivity, my darling! You are such a pessimist." He chastised me. "At least there is a much more positive outcome this time."
"Which is...?" I prompted him since I couldn't think of one.
"You don't get kidnapped?" He suggested shrugging. He slammed the book closed. "And we know his plan so the simple, short term solution is that you are never left by yourself. You have all those shadowhunters to protect you during the day and Joe at night."
"Slightly problem." I winced. "Jace may or may not have banned Joe from my bed."
"Excuse me?" Magnus asked slamming the book down on the coffee table.
"Weeelll...." I sighed. "Jace walked in on us sharing my bed this morning. Needless to say he was not best pleased and was all like no boys in your bed because I'm your big brother and say so." I rolled my eyes violently.
"Well, button, you ignore him and share a bed with whoever you please, with in reason of course." Magnus said grinning flashing his pearly teeth.
"Of course." I said seriously before bursting out laughing.
"Come on, Button, I'll walk you home. We should discuss this with the head of the institute." He got up from the sofa and offered his arm. I took it and we walked arm in arm back to the institute chatting about this and that and laughing most of the way.

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