A Stupid Plan and Sibling Fights

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Elizabeth's POV
We reached the institute quickly and when I pulled open the doors, I was greeted by someone pulling me into a tight hug.
"Don't just up and leave on me." Joe, I realised, whispered into my neck. I smiled into his shoulder the familiar smell of him enveloped me bringing back a sense of home.
"I had to see Magnus, something came up and I needed his advice. " I whispered back. "I didn't want to wake you."
"Yeah but I woke up without you there, I was worried that you might have decided you didn't like it here and left. I can't lose you." He whispered worried. I pulled away and smiled up at him wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Why would I leave? Everything I want or need is right here in this building." I reassured him, he nodded dipping his head to kiss me sweetly. "I love you Joe, and as long as you are here, I'm not going anywhere." I whispered to him after pulling away.
"I love you too." He said softly kissing my forehead.
"Ahem. So if you are done doing whatever this." Magnus waved a hand in a dramatic gesture. "Is, we have more important things to be discussing other than your new found love for each other." Joe groaned and took a step back from me. "There we go, now Joseph be a darling and go fetch the important people." He waved him away, and begrudgingly Joe walked away not before cursing at Magnus and complaining about not being his personal slave. "So, my darling, is that the reason why your unreasonably over protective older brother banned him from your bed?" He asked casually.
"Nope, Jace was fine with it before, but if he knew ..."
"If I knew what?" Jace asked appearing from the corridor raising an eyebrow immediately suspicious.
"I'll let Magnus explained." I glared at Magnus hoping and praying that he'd get the hint.
"Yes right, the important thing. Your psycho zombie father is planning on kidnapping your darling little sister and there's not much we can do to stop him." Magnus explained grinning like it was nothing.
"Wow, Mags, direct much?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"Well, we haven't got time to sugar coat things." He shrugged his shoulders. "Now, Wayland children, we have plans to make." Magnus declared before walking off through the institute like he owned the place. Jace looked at me with a quizzical look on his face, in response I shrugged my shoulders.
"Do you even know where you're going?" I called after Magnus laughing.
"Not at all, darling." He called back. I rolled my eyes and ran to catch up to him. I trusted him, even if he was a little eccentric at times. It's probably what made him one of my most favourite people in the world.

A few minutes later, Jace, Joe, Alex, Izzy, their mother and I stood gathered in the library with Magnus explaining his plan in the most dramatic way possible.
"So your ingenious plans is to simply to follow my sister around until the problem magically solves it's self?" Jace asked sceptical.
"Well yes. I suppose you can put it that way." Magnus said slightly disappointed that his over the top explanation had been lost on Jace.
"Because that is a stupid plan." Jace declared.
"Do you have a better one?" I asked raising an eyebrow and turning to face him.
"Yeah of course I do, one that doesn't involve following my extremely annoying fifteen year old sister round 24/7." He glared at me but I just stuck my tongue out and leant against Joe who was standing a little behind me.
"Personally, as much as I hate the idea of being followed around constantly by my older brother who is an egotistical jerk, I think this is the best plan that doesn't involve any one getting killed." I sighed. It was a horrific thought, being followed around by my brother and his friends, I had always valued the freedom I was afforded being an orphan, I supposed I took advantage of that, so now that I was getting that freedom stripped away I felt a little unnerved. "Look it's not the best solution, but it's the easiest and the safest. We don't know where he is. We don't even know who this. We don't even know whether this is definitely our father. I'm just trying to make sure nobody dies." I pleaded with Jace but he still didn't look convinced so I engaged in a staring match until he gave in, which he did. Even after six years he still couldn't say no to me, I wasn't actually proud of that but it was useful at times.
"Fine!" He threw his hands up in the air in a defeated manner and glared at me. "On one condition. I decided who's watching you when."
"Don't say watching me. I'm not being babysat, it's a precaution." I snapped. I hated the thought of him treating me like a child, I could look after my self. I didn't need him to do that for me and I certainly didn't need him controlling my life.
"Fine, I get to choose who's tailing you when. How about that?" He asked me sarcastically. He didn't actually care, I could tell but whatever, at least this way he was safer, especially if our father was planning on luring Jace to him using me. I didn't want to put him in that position so this plan allowed me to assure his safety without telling him everything because if I did, he'd start to think it was all about him and be all like 'if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't try to hurt you.' And all the to love is to destroy thing and send me away and I couldn't deal with that.
"Alright Jace." I agreed with him.
"Good. So there are four of us. Alec, Izzy, Joseph and myself. The best way for this to work is if we each take turns throughout the day and then do alternative nights except Joseph. You're banned from nights." He glared at Joe again who tensed up, I could feel it through my back.
Joe leant to whisper in my ear. "I don't think your brother likes me very much love."
I tried to hide the smile that played on my lips and whispered back. "It's okay, I like you enough for the both of us." He chuckled softly and relaxed again.
"Can I just point out the complete ridiculousness of that?" I said to Jace. "You are banning Joe, who I've known since I was a kid, who's been sharing my bed for almost all of that time, who I trust with my life, from protecting me but not Alec - no offense Alec - who I've known for a few days and barely knows me. How does that make any sort of sense?" I pointed out looking directly at Jace.
"Alec is my parabatai, I trust him with my life and with yours." He said his voice holding a 'don't push me' tone.
"There is no way on this earth that Joseph would let anything happen to Eliza." Magnus backed me up. "You should trust your sister more."
"Thank you!" I exclaimed.
"I have every reason in the world to make sure that she never gets hurt. Plus I'm a light sleeper so even if I was to fall asleep, I would wake up before anyone tried anything." Joe said deadly serious before reaching to give my hand a quick squeeze.
"Why won't you let me make this decision for myself?!" I asked Jace fed up of this back and forth.
"Because it seems that you have a track record of making terrible, terrible decisions!" Jace shouted at me. I was taken aback by that, it was cruel and not necessary. It hurt to know that he didn't trust me to make my own decisions.
"Maybe one of those terrible, terrible decisions was coming here!" I shouted angrily before storming out the room.
Hey it's me.
I'm sorry that these updates have been super slow to go up but good news exams are over! Yay! I'm back at school but updates should be coming out a little more regularly. I can't say what day it'll be but there'll be an update at least once a week.
So in the mean time, leave a comment.
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Thanks for reading,

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