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 Elizabeth's POV

I felt a cold soothing wave pass over me, then another one, slowly pulling me out of the darkness around me. I felt a hand on mine and began to be aware of the room around, someone was sitting next to me.  I gasped for breath as slowly, agonizingly slow I opened my eyes to the room around.

"Elizabeth." He breathed out relieved as I turned my head to look at Valentine. I couldn't call him Father anymore, not after what he did to me. 

"What did you do to me?" I got out, my throat was tight and dry so the words were hard to form. I tried to sit up but I couldn't get my muscles to cooperate. Valentine helped me to sit but everywhere that he touch hurt like I was on fire. 

"I wanted to test your theory that you are allergic to demons." He said blankly. "Now I have confirmed it I can protect you better." 

"Was my word not enough?  Was the scar that demon metal left not enough?" I spat out bitterly, my whole body was hurting again. He didn't answer my question. "I want to see Jace."

"You just woke up from a coma, you are not up to having visitors," Valentine stated and began to leave the room. "Maybe sometime later." He left the room and I heard the distinctive thump of the lock falling into place. 


Joe's POV

So Clary had run off now too which was just perfect. It wasn't like we weren't already down two and could use a little help even if she completely untrained. "Where the hell is she?" I demanded as I reached Alec and Izzy. I was not in a good mood, today marked a month since Liza had gone missing and if I didn't get a new lead soon I was going to murder someone. 

"We don't know." Alec sighed as equally as frustrated as I was. Clary was less responsible than Liza and god knows what sort of trouble she was in now. 

"That's so helpful!" I let out and glared at Alec. "Not only have we lost Liza and Jace but we've gone and lost Clary as well."

"We haven't lost them," Izzy said confidently meeting my eyes.

"Do you know where they are then?" I asked anger starting to boil in my veins. Why won't anyone just admit that they were lost and we had no idea how to get them back? She shook her head slowly. "Then they are lost."  

"Joe..." Alec started but I quickly waved a hand to stop him.

"Do you know the longest Liza and I had been apart before this?" I asked him, he shook his head. "Two weeks, while she was healing after Vienna. I wasn't allowed to see her because she was that sick that any little thing could have been it for her. I was absolutely beside myself, I felt like one of my arms had been cut off but this, this feels like my heart has been cut out. It's killing me."

"And you don't think that this is killing me too, Jace being missing?" Alec asked anger heating his tone. 

"That's not the same," I turned on him, "You know that Jace's alive. You know that he's okay. I don't. She could be dead. She could be getting tortured or could be getting treated like royalty. I don't know and it's driving me crazy."   

"That was your choice, you could have if you wanted to." Alec pointed out and he couldn't have been more wrong

"No, we couldn't have," I said ending the conversation. He knew what I meant, nothing more needed to be said. "I need her back Alec, I'm losing my mind without her," My voice cracked. "She's my whole world."

"We'll find her," Alec promised before his phone started to ring.


Elizabeth's POV

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