"I will see you tonight then. I hope you are on time," his voice was filled with an uneasiness.

"I surely will be," I replied before he hung up. I knew soon he would be where I had wanted him. There were only two weeks left for the wedding to happen. Actually, one week and six days. I had a lot to do in this thirteen days to be exact.


9:00 P.M

I stood outside Nathaniel's clinic. It wasn't the same like all other days. There were usually no lights on besides that of his room. However today the clinic was brightening with every light on. A woman in her mid-thirties sat there reading the magazine. She was surely some rich man's wife because that really expensive rose cut big diamond wasn't cheap to get. I walked and looked around. A pretty brunette was working on the reception, her name was Laurel. She had been the one who had informed me that Nathaniel was very busy, she was easy to talk to. I had stalked her online to know if she was my sister's watchdog or not. Sadly, she wasn't. She was just a woman in her early thirties working that's all and she loved books. My sister was no where to be found in her friend list or anywhere. It was like she was untouched by her. It could be a possibility and maybe not too but I was still going to be careful.

"Hello," I greeted getting close to her desk which was organized well. She was busy doing some paperwork and she looked up too fast.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asked. Her voice was soft and motherly like I had thought after all she was a mother herself.

"I'm, Evelyn. Dr. Nathaniel called and told me to be here at nine," I would have cut out the doctor if I had been fully hundred percent sure about her.

"Oh right, Ms. Evelyn," she said getting up from her seat. "Dr.Nathaniel is kind of busy, he wanted me to inform you that it would actually take him about an hour or half before he could take you up for your session. He also added that if you aren't comfortable time you could go home but he would like if you stay," she told me. An hour or half.

"What would you do?" I asked her smilingly. She smiled back at this like I was her friend.

"My personal opinion, I would stay. I mean it takes a lot of time to get just one of his appointment and also considering the fact that he won't be available for any appointment for next one month, I think you should whatever time he dishes out," she chuckled. The words that he won't be available for one next month stood out for me.

"What do you mean by he won't be available for next one month?" I asked quizzically.

"Oh, Dr. Nathaniel is going on a holiday for one month. He is getting married in two weeks and after that, he is going on his coming back so no coming back of him for next one month," I smiled at her but from inside I wasn't feeling anything like smiling.

"I think then I would surely stay," I told her. "I'm just going to take a seat and wait for my turn," I turned around and walked to sit in a far away corner. My heart was beating rapidly. My brain was in chaos. All I could see was my plan going down. I just had today's night to reel him in, to do something worth destroying Serena's relationship with him.

I had to do something. I told myself closing my eyes and turning my head up on the couch. He wasn't still in love with me. I had to make him interested in me. If that didn't happen I had nothing. I was going to be back at square one.

Then it struck me. If I can't have him fall in love with me, I could be surely successful in creating evidence that could do the talking themselves. Wasn't that easy? It wasn't. I had to plan it carefully and clearly. I had just one hour to plan.

"Mrs. Francis," Laurel called out making me open my eyes and look out at the other woman.

"Dr. Nathaniel would be seeing you now," she kept down the magazine and stood up before walking gracefully to the way where Nathaniel's office. Maybe I didn't even have that one hour. Picking the magazine that Mrs. Francis has put down I browsed through it hoping something would pop up in my head to help me create pieces of evidence. I was just turning the glossy pages of the vogue when my eyes feel flat on the latest gossip about a famous Hollywood actor who was caught locking lips with someone other than his present girlfriend. I dig in and as I read on a cunning smile made its way up to my lips. It looked as if everything is what others deemed to be and I wanted that. I wanted others to judge me and him on the basis of what they say. The actor was actually shooting for an upcoming film on a far away island. His girlfriend and director of the film were the ones to clarify that. The woman caught with him was an actress and even come out to clarify. I wanted no clarification just the wrong judgment of this society which wasn't that harsh to get.

After all, once a homewrecker will always a homewrecker, for this society.

I googled things, my fingers typing quick as quick as they could. Taking and putting in every single detail I formed a plan worth destroying Serena's marriage and her heart. All that was missing someone who could make evidence for me.

I quickly sent a text to someone who would surely do my work.

I will pay you $5000 cash if you would be at a place I asked you to be and with a camera. Help really needed.

My text was short but I knew that would do it, those words would do their magic and help me out. I kept on repeating each and very detail of my plan again and again in my mind. I didn't want to miss out on any part. The clock ticked and with each second passing my everything in my plan became rigid. I had no place for any changes or mistakes. I closed my eyes and waited for my turn to come so I could put my plan in place.

Thirty minutes later the door to his office opened and I heard the clacking of hells and the sound of shoes walking.

"I want you to work on what I said, Merlyn. We will continue from here when we come back. If you feel like there is an urgency call Laurel and I assure you she will be able to guide you the next best person for help meanwhile I'm not here," Nathaniel said with a smile to Mrs. Merlyn Francis.

"That's really sweet of you," she spoke in a sultry voice and I smiled. There were women all around waiting for digging their claws into Nathaniel.

"I will wait for you to come back until then I will do what you have told me," she said with her hands on his arms. I could see that she just wanted to put her hands on him.

"Sure," Nathaniel said and stepped back avoiding anymore contact. I wanted to laugh out loud when I saw Mrs. Francis face drop for a second. At last, she walked away and when she was out I saw Nathaniel breathe a sigh of relief. I laughed out loud at this and his attention turned to me. When he saw me he gave out a big a smile.

"You stayed?" He asked walking towards me with his hands in his pockets.

"Had to," I answered with a smile.

"I'm glad you did," he dropped down beside me rather than standing. He leaned his head against the couch and closed his eyes. I thought for a second that he was going to sleep.

"Just give me few minutes. I'm beat tired," he said with closed eyes.

"No problem," saying that I looked at him more like remembered every detail of him because after today I don't think he would ever want to see me again. I wanted to remember him as this, a good man who liked me. As a man who didn't have hatred for me and a man, I could have fallen love with.

After today the next time, we will meet will be in Hawaii at his wedding where he would hate me like everyone else did.

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