54. Crashing down

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I was in the kitchen that morning, holding a cup of black coffee in my hands while I tried to cope with the events of the last twenty four hours. My fingers weren't trembling anymore but the images were vivid, the bloodstains and and screams still very much present in my mind and the pain still making my body ache.

We'd arrived at the building shortly before dawn, unloading everyone into the lift and packing our things down with us. Lily was waiting, as was Ritter, but the smile on her face was gone the moment she saw me. I didn't even make it more than a few steps before I eventually collapsed, able to finally let the battle take its toll on me. Ritter caught me before I could hit the floor and they brought me to the bedroom, placing me on a cot and making me strip down as much as I could to assess the damage. The wound in my side was no more than a surface gash; it hadn't even gotten past the muscle. Three lines ran across my face though, each of them needed stitches. Ritter told me I was lucky I didn't lose my eye with how close one had been.

Ethan had it a little worse: they cleaned out the wounds on his neck and bandaged the whole thing, whispers passing between Lily and Ritter about something I couldn't hear while they did so. He had stopped breathing at one point in time but it restarted within a few minutes, scaring me shitless but relieving me all the same. He was asleep in one of the beds, as was Noelle and Delilah; Elyse and I had taken a shower just a half hour ago and she was making herself some toast. Her hands shook as she did so but after a deep breath she was able to calm herself enough to sit down and eat it.

"How's Brandon doing?" I asked numbly.

"He's not good, but he'll be okay," she whispered, "he lost his brother and his closest friend. He's going to need a while."

"What about you?"

"Iden shielded me," Elyse admitted, "he wouldn't let her touch me. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend, but now..."

"I know," I choked out, squeezing my eyes shut; I didn't even have the energy to cry, "Gal died last night. So did Ladon. Aurelia got up and went down swinging. I owe them a lot."

"Gal...Gal's dead?" Elyse's eyes widened and I nodded, feeling my heart shutter.

"She died knowing she was going to meet her maker and she was happy." I sighed, taking another drink from my cup. A sound from the front room kept me from delving into more detail but I was honestly glad for it.

"You guys are on the news."

I leapt from my seat and dropped my mug, the shatter echoing and catching Ethan's attention; he'd turned on the TV and was now staring at me, bags under his eyes and a tense air about him. I was glued to the spot for just a moment before I walked right up to him and wrapped my arms around his chest, resting my head on the uninjured side of his neck. He hugged me back gently, his hands gripping my ribs in a way that said he never wanted to let me go.

"Breaking news this morning as a night of New Years Eve festivities seemed to have also been a night of tragedy in town today," a news anchor spoke, revealing a helicopter image of the remains of my home, "the local foster home, aptly named "Critter Ridge Orphanage" was found burning in what's guessed to be a fire due to a gas leak. Two bodies were pulled from the ruins and it's believed the fire burned so hot it essentially incinerated many more. As of right now, all ten children and the homeowner Ms. Elizabeth Huld are presumed dead."

"We're dead to the world," Elyse laughed humorlessly, "imagine if they knew the truth."

"Even if they did count the bodies, they'd only find six." I huffed. "They'll find the gasoline traces soon. By the time they figure it out though there won't be a damn thing they can do."

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