41. Halloween

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"We're all meeting up in Egg Harbor around seven, you'll be there, right?" I asked through the phone as I pinned it between my shoulder and my cheek while I made my bed.

"Are you kidding? I haven't gone out on Halloween in years, I wouldn't miss this for world." Ethan was grinning on his end, I could tell just by the way he spoke. "I've got to go for right now though, mom needs my help getting decorations out of the attic. I'll see you tonight."

"Alright, don't hurt yourself."

"I'll try my best."

I smiled when he ended the call, pulling the blankets up and doing the final tuck before taking a seat. It was barely three now but I just had to call and be sure. Everyone was going out tonight as Miss Huld was driving us into town so the kids could trick-or-treat and the teenagers could hang out. There was a dress laying on the back of my chair, the same one from the night of the Halloween party gone wrong. There were a lot of memories embedded into this fabric, ones that wafted up to the forefront of my mind as I caressed the lace and satin. I felt like it was time I finally faced some of my own personal demons and I stepped into the garment after stripping down, pulling the zipper up my spine and settling in. It still sat on my shoulders perfectly, clung to every curve and barely touched the floor. I swung it around lovingly as I stood in front of the mirror, stepping into my red-soled heels and trotting around the room.


"Come in!"

I turned around, watching as Noelle snuck into my room in a little red onesie with a scaly tail and a dragon face on the hood. She looked absolutely adorable and I loved every inch of her.

"Can you do something with my hair?" She asked, pulling the hood down. She revealed that her hair was bundled up in the back of the outfit and I tsked, sitting her down at my desk and looking up how to style her hair type on my phone.

After a short how-to video I'd managed to braid her hair down her back and curl it into a bun atop her head, pinning it with a spiral shaped clip and turning her to the mirror so she could see. The girl was so happy, the light in her eyes glittering like little purple pools. She gave me a tight hug before running out into the hall, showing off her new style happily. I finally got to my feet and took the stool she'd been sitting on, padding my face with makeup and lining my eyes with smokey rings. To top it off I put in a pair of fake fangs I'd ordered, using the glue to make them stay and coating my lips with a dark red sheen. I'd never looked so ghostly or so dark, but the feeling I gave myself sent chills down my spine.

Finally I picked up my phone and slid it into the dress pocket, along with some cash and my debit card in case I wanted to buy anything while we were in town. Before I could even step out into the hallway I saw the kids run by, with Delilah dressed as a little witch and riding on a broomstick while Daisy was dressed like a superhero. When I got to the bottom of the staircase I found Brandon in a Phantom of the Opera mask and cape while Elyse and Iden were painted up like sugar skulls and wearing neon colors. Aurelia was a banshee, with gauzy cloth hanging from her body and a gaunt face painted onto her own. She looked beautiful and I embraced the girl tightly as she trotted up to me.

"Prettiest vampire I've ever seen," her voice chirped in my head while I twirled her beneath my fingers.

"Are you kidding? You could make any ghoul swoon."

The girl giggled as I poked at her sides, sticking her tongue out at me before her eyes drifted to the staircase. I turned and to my surprise I saw Ladon all dressed up, a red button up shirt and black slacks, his hair slicked back behind a mask that glowed wth neon green X's for eyes and a stitched up mouth. He had a baseball bat in his hand, one that was littered with bent up nails and rusted screws. I had no idea what he was supposed to be, but the moment he got the the bottom of the steps I reached out and practically ripped the top two buttons off of the shirt.

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