7. Pine Barrens

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Everyone had just finished eating when Miss Huld came back into the room. She'd changed into a real dress instead of a nightgown, brushed her hair, and seemed to have grabbed herself a cup of coffee. She seemed tired, but she was glad to see that Noelle was doing okay. Daisy had given her some clothing to change into, seeing as they were about the same size.

"I made a report and sent the file in, I just got off the phone with the sheriff. Her full name is Noelle Fairbanks and her parents live out of state. She's eleven."

"Jesus Christ." I muttered under my breath, turning to the girl. She was still in the chair beside me and everyone else was picking up the cleaning duty since I'd made food for them all.

"Noelle, why did your parents bring you here?" Miss Huld asked, getting down to eye level with her.

"My mom...she didn't want me to go." She squeezed the bear in her arms tightly. "My dad hated me talking to the little boy in our basement. He especially hated it when I ratted him and his girlfriend out to my mom." Noelle paused. "They already didn't like me because of how I looked and now they especially don't like me."

"Oh baby," I whispered, reaching out and pulling her into my lap, "everyone loves you here. We'll take good care of you."

"The police are going to do an investigation on the parents but drop offs aren't technically illegal since we're a safe spot for them. You're just not supposed to do them when the child is this old." Miss Huld sighed as she straightened back up. "Honestly Sable, thank you for stepping up. I think the other kids saw you meant business and that really struck a chord with them."

"What was I supposed to do? Pretend she was a stray cat and just leave her out there?" I huffed. "I'm just glad she's here now and not stuck wherever it was she was at before."

"You're definitely right." She nodded. "Would you be opposed to going into town with Ezra and Elyse? I'm going to send you guys with some money for grocery shopping, school supplies for both you and her, and clothes for her. Lord knows we need more, poor Daisy is running low too."

"I'd love to, anything I can do to help." I smiled, pulling Noelle with me as I got to my feet. "Is there a room open for her?"

"The one right next to yours is."

"Okay, good."

"Is she my new mom?" Noelle asked once we were out of earshot, and I chuckled.

"I guess she is."

"I like her. She's better than my first mom." Noelle nodded as if she were confirming something for herself.

The second we stepped into the hall I felt Noelle freeze slightly. She was staring off in the direction of the attic, her violet irises trained on something I couldn't see. It was almost like she'd been listening to noises inaudible to the rest of us.

"Noelle?" I said in a low, hushed whisper.

"Who's the girl in the attic?" She asked quietly, and I felt a little taken aback.

"There's no girl in the attic, only Ladon, the boy who was with me this morning." I paused. "Do you...do you hear a girl?"

"Yeah, she sounds really sad." Noelle pouted slightly. "She keeps saying something like 'leaf', but it sounds really muffled and hazy."

"Leave," I said suddenly, pulling her away from the door, "she's saying leave. Come on, I don't want you going anywhere near that attic, understand?"

"Is she why you're scared to be here?"

I couldn't lie, "yes."

"Oh. It sounds like she's trying to help."

I couldn't possibly imagine what that thing would be trying to help with by wandering the halls at night and scaring the living daylights out of me. We walked over to the room beside mine, and when I opened it up, I found something similar to my own, except it was slightly less dusty. The walls were blue, just like the sky outside. Noelle didn't hesitate to skip over to the bed and place herself on the mattress, snuggling into the blankets tightly along with her own. She must be tired as all hell. I moved to sit on the edge of the blankets and I was humming as I twirled her hair in my fingers. It wasn't long before she'd fallen asleep and I got up quietly to change.

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