21. Stutter

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The sound of my pencil scribbling on the paper in front of me was all that filled my head, seeing as I was blocking out whoever was reading part of the book. We'd finished To Kill a Mockingbird, and now we were in a poetry unit that I was a little excited for. Little snippets of words appeared in my sketchbook as I drew a boy with empty eye sockets and a permanent scowl. For some reason he reminded me a little of Ethan, something that made me purse my lips softly and look up at him, only to catch him watching me as well. He looked forward the moment our eyes locked and it made me feel even more uneasy. To love blindly is to throw your heart to the sea and expect it to wash back ashore were the words written beside it, and I was wallowing in the fact that I was feeling lonely.

I hadn't felt like this in a while. I'd filled my time with photo shoots and flings and parties, but I was missing the blind love I felt towards someone. I missed feeling like I was loved romantically, but I know I'd never get that feeling from Ladon and there certainly wasn't anyone else at this school I was looking to have chase after me. I rolled my eyes at myself and was getting ready to take a nap when I suddenly heard something that made my blood boil.

"Aurelia, why don't you read the next stanza." The teacher said, his eyes flicking to me for a split second before looking back at her. I'm sure he saw the rage flare in my eyes and I could see Aurelia shift uncomfortably in her seat out of the corner of my eye.

"U-Um...I'd rather not."

Everyone in the class seemed to let out a collective mumble as they heard her speak. We'd been practicing every Sunday on her speech and she was improving to the point where I had her reading almost fluently at the house, but under any pressure, her stutter returned with a vengeance.

"It's not a choice, read the poem Ms. Ashworth."

I was about to jump in when someone else did unexpectedly. Ethan protested by clearing his throat and beginning to read the stanza for her, surprising me greatly but also giving me a reason to respect him. He flashed a defiant glance towards me and I ushered him on with a wry smirk.

"Ethan you stop this nonsense." The teacher, whose name I still hadn't taken the time to learn, was glaring at Ethan furiously. "I'm serious, I will send you to detention if you read one more line."

Ethan looked up and gave him a "do your worst" stare as he continued to read. Without hesitation the teacher sent him to the office with a pink slip and the class was left in a shocked silence. I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest, snickering quietly as his gaze flickered to myself.

"Keep it up Sable, and you'll be right there in detention with him."

"I'm sorry, it's just funny that you refuse to give up on making her read." I chortled. "Even if you try and make her, I won't let her, and it certainly seems as if Ethan's on board with me."

"That's it, go to the office, I'm issuing you a detention."

"Got it."

I slapped my hand down on my book and picked it up dramatically, slinging my backpack over my shoulders before I walked across the room. All eyes were on me and it took all of my energy not to strike a pose like I was on the runway, and instead I just let the door fall shut as I walked down the hall.

It didn't take me long to catch up to Ethan. He seemed to be taking his time, sauntering along proudly as if he'd just done the most heroic thing on the planet. He seemed a little surprised when I fell into step with him and shoved my hands in my jean pockets, keeping my eyes ahead of me while we walked.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked finally, breaking the silence between us.

"I got a detention for defending your actions." I told him. "Which, by the way, that was real ballsy of you. I respect that."

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