39. Golden

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My dreams were swathed with golden light; warm, billowy blankets wrapped around my body and easing me in and out of the clutches of sleep. I was so out of it that all I could gather was that it was Saturday and the sunlight coming in through the open curtains was bright enough to hurt my eyes when I opened them.


As I shifted I realized I wasn't alone in the bed. A small squeak gathered my attention and I rolled over, finding a girl with gloriously tanned skin tucked against the wall, a silky white nightgown I'd owned for years surrounding her form. Gal's hair fell across her forehead, just beckoning my fingers to reach out and brush them aside. She stirred as I did so, her eyes opening just a sliver to reveal glittering gold swimming within her irises. I'd had my breath stolen from my chest once again and I settled back into the blankets, scooting up close to her and wrapping my arms around her body. She did the same, one of her hands cradling my head as she rested her cheek on my crown of hair. I hadn't even realized I was just as scantily clad as she was.

"I've missed you," she whispered, "I was in that cell by myself for so long, I'd almost forgotten what human touch feels like..."

"Well, I'm not exactly human, now am I?" I chuckled.

"No," Gal smiled, "but I wouldn't have you any other way."

She kissed me, an action that sent chills down my spine and made warmth bloom in my chest. I was just about to say something else when there was a sudden knocking at my door followed by a female voice.

"Sable?" Elyse asked curiously, "are you awake?"

"Yeah, hold on," I called out, my breath catching in my chest as I threw the blankets in the air and over Gal's form, scooping up a shirt from the ground and pulling it on.

I cracked open the door and peered at her, noticing that one of her golden eyebrows were arched, curiosity in her eyes as she seemed to look through the door. My stomach twisted when I remembered she saw things in other ways.

"Who is that?" She whispered, turning her head to look at me. I sighed and gave up, there was no hiding anything from Elyse.

"Remember that girl who I told you disappeared?" I told her, her blind eyes widening slightly.

"Oh my God," she breathed, turning her head back to the door, "is that her?"

"We found her in a facility, she's...she's just like us," I laughed softly, "they kidnapped her because she was a subject, a person with powers."

"You're kidding..." Elyse's lips were parted in absolute awe, "so...what's she doing here?"

"She snuck over, she doesn't exactly need the normal means of transportation to get around," I giggled warmly, gesturing behind me to indicate flight with wings, "Elyse, I'm absolutely in love with her." I paused, realizing what I'd just said. "Fuck, Elyse, I'm in love with her. What am I going to do?"

"You mean pertaining to Ethan, right?"

"Yeah, I can't just...he knows she's back," I reached back and ran a hand through my hair sheepishly, "do you think he'd understand?"

"I think that Ethan loves you enough to try." She told me gently, reaching out and gripping my hands gently.

"God, that really doesn't help." I laughed pitifully, looking around us to be sure of the surroundings. "Is anyone else awake?"

"No, I got up early to check on Iden," she huffed, "he hasn't been feeling good lately. Lots of pictures, lots of events. He's worried about something but he won't tell me."

"Give him time, I'm sure he's just trying to figure out how to say it." I said, earning a more confident smile from the girl.

"You're right, thank you Sable." She turned back to the door as she pulled her hands away, smiling still as she spoke. "Such a bright, warm gold..."

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