34. Photograph

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I didn't leave the house much after that. I was scared to go outside, scared that the person in the skull mask would be waiting for me outside to finish what they started. Ethan came to the house every so often and Kathryn would join Miss Huld for tea and an intellectual conversation every other Sunday. She told me she liked coming over and getting to know my new family, especially the kids. Apparently she had a friend who was looking to adopt a younger boy and James matched the profile to a T.

It was late August when the police officially ruled Ezra's death a cold case. They couldn't rule it accidental just for the fact that how he was found was too suspicious, but they didn't have any evidence to tell them otherwise. I was devastated by it and I could feel the sadness that permeated the household from the spirit himself. Noelle was there at the end of the hall, just like always, talking to him and Cosette.

School picked up again in September and I was officially a sophomore. It felt strange but then again it was also nice not to be the underclassman. Work was easy for the first couple of weeks but I was looking forward to my weekends, not to mention my birthday coming up in November. I'd had enough money to pay for drivers ed myself so once the new year hit I'd be able to get my own license. I was going to be living my own life and I was just a little excited for it.

For now though, I was just resting in my own home, unable to sleep on a Friday night and staring out my window at the moon and the stars. I could hear distant howling that soothed my soul, letting me know that the wolves who tried to warn us were safe, most likely safer than even we were. The sound of shuffling caught my attention from outside my door and I thought maybe Noelle couldn't sleep, prompting me to get my ass out of bed to invite her inside. I didn't like her staying up all night just to talk to the ghosts.

"Noelle?" I whispered as I stuck my head out the door, looking from side to side only to find that I was alone. Confusion befell me and I stepped out into the hall, only to find that there were no figures to be found, alive or not.

My feet carried me back into my bedroom, but I didn't get very far when suddenly I felt a rush of cold air. It felt like the entirety of my insides just twisted and fell to my feet and I knew something was wrong. Something wanted me out of my room and to hunt down whatever it was they wanted me to find. I had a feeling Ezra was hiding somewhere while Cosette, the more daunting of the pair, was leading me somewhere. I heard a creak at the stairs and I took off after it, stepping through the house on quiet, fuzzy-sock covered feet.

It wasn't long until I found myself tucked away into the parlor, having followed the quiet sounds the girl made as she walked through the home. I could see a faint outline in the moonlight, her dusky figure illuminated to reveal a long dress and curling hair. I wanted so badly to know who she was now, to know something other than her name. In a snap decision I reached out, attempting to grasp her hand, but she backed away. Her head shook slowly as she sunk through a wall, her figure disappearing into the nothingness. It wasn't just nothing, though; I heard a small tapping sound coming from the other side of the wall, as if someone had gotten trapped in an empty room. The gears in my mind clicked and I backed away, feeling my hands start to shake.


"How?" I whispered solemnly, desperately wanting to reach out to her. I wanted to help.


"Your body...you're still in the house, aren't you?"

There was silence. A chill gripped my body and I realized with an exact certainty that what I'd stated was true. Suddenly some of the keys on the piano slammed down and I booked it out of that room, my instincts telling me to find help. When I finally got control of myself again I'd just flung the attic door open and stopped in my tracks. I could see Ezra, standing in the light of the moon coming through the skylight and lighting up the dust that swirled around and through him. His head turned to look at me and I saw those eyes, the gorgeous emeralds I thought I'd never see again. I found myself crying as I walked forward, my feet dragging along the floor. When I stopped I was mere inches away from him. I saw his lips move, the words never reaching my ears, but there was one word I recognized as it rolled off of his tongue: photographs. There were photographs he wanted me to find.

"Where are they?" I whispered, feeling something slip down my cheek. Suddenly he was gone and I heard a rustle right before a box fell somewhere down the line. It didn't take me long to find it and I scooped up the box just as the sound of the skylight opening startled me.

"Who's in here?"

"It's me," I called out quietly, watching as Ladon came into view, "I...I saw them."

"Saw who?" He narrowed his eyes, irritation in his tone. Suddenly I wasn't too keen on talking to him.

"You don't fucking care," I snapped suddenly, walking forward and pushing past him, "if you're going to be a prissy little bitch every time I talk to you I'm not going to bother anymore."

"I..." he seemed to be at a loss for words and I didn't wait around for him to finally cough up his tongue again.

A hand clamped down on my shoulder and I was forced to turn around. Ladon genuinely surprised me and I felt my bristling attitude simmer as he looked like he was about ready to cry. My shoulders drooped and he pulled his hand away.

"I'm sorry," he choked out, clenching his fists at his sides, "I've never had this much emotion in my mind, never had this much...care, for someone." Ladon sighed and raised his eyes to meet mine. "I'm confused and I'm hurt but I know it's my own fault. I'm taking it out on you and you don't deserve that."

"Well...thank you." I told him, seemingly catching him off guard. "That's very grown up of you to apologize and admit you were in the wrong. I haven't been too welcoming either."

Ladon relaxed, a deep breath escaping his chest. I could already tell he felt better. I readjusted the box in my hands and he realized there was an actual reason for my snooping in his personal space.

"What do you have there?"

"Photos, Ezra told me to find them." I shuffled the box gently. "I'm going to go through them in my room, want to help?"

"Well what are you looking for exactly?"

"I'm not entirely sure." I laughed gently. "Come on, I'm sure we'll know it when we find it."

He nodded, following me into my room and taking a seat on the floor. I sat beside him and dumped the box out to review it's contents, finding a whole century's worth of pictures. They were beautiful to look at, filled with kids of all ages and forms. One caught my eye in particular, that which contained a larger group of kids and a satyr up front. She was adorable, no more than ten, with short hair and rams horns protruding from her skull. Another one from a slightly earlier point in time though really gathered my attention; there she was, standing at the back of the group with her hands protectively on a little boy's shoulder. Cosette was a part of a small group, with only two older children and five younger ones. It wasn't hard to tell she was the matriarch, the one who acted like a mother. She was beautiful and fair faced, with doe eyes and a Victorian dress. I saw a scarf wrapped around her neck and I knew she was attempting to hide some type of gills.

"I found her." I whispered, taking the photo solely in my hands. "She's beautiful, Ladon."

"I might've found something you'll want to see." He said gently, apprehension coating his words. I turned to look at him and saw that he was holding up two photos, one from the early nineteenth century and one from the late twentieth.

"What is it?"

"The woman in the middle. Look familiar at all?"

I felt my eyes widen at the sight of her. Miss Huld was standing there in between all the children, acting as normal as ever. Except that in each photo...she hadn't aged a day. She looked the same as ever, wearing her long dresses that buttoned up the front. My heart sank to my feet when I realized how absolutely terrified Cosette looked in her photo, like she knew it was going to be her last. It saddened me.

"She's like us," I said quietly, "she's got her own abilities."

"What? Eternal life?" Ladon snorted, and I felt cold fingers caressing my cheek. When I turned to look I saw two figures in my doorway with tired, fearful eyes. "Sable? What are you looking at?"

"She killed them, Ladon." I knew it in my heart that's what they were trying to warn me of. "She's the monster."

If I Die Youngحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن