13. Lousy pest

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I'd fallen asleep to the music echoing from my phone by accident, my head shoved in a textbook for history as I'd been copying down notes. I blinked a few times before I rubbed my eyes, sitting up and taking a look around me, only to see that the sky had gone dark outside and it was probably well past bedtime. I groaned quietly and closed the book, glad that I'd already changed into my pajamas beforehand. The only problem I really encountered was that I suddenly had to pee.

"God," I huffed as I stood at my door, my eyes squeezed shut as I contemplated actually going into the hall, "dammit."

I knew it couldn't wait so I ended up gripping the doorknob tightly and pulling my door open, only to be met with a completely empty hallway devoid of most outside light and illuminated only by a single nightlight down the way. I stayed within the bounds of the light the whole time as I made my way to the bathroom, glad for the blanket of protection as I flipped the switches on inside to light the room. I relieved myself and stood in there gratefully for a few minutes as I brushed my teeth, taking my sweet time to go through my hygienic routine and finally I felt a little more normal.

Just as I closed the cabinet above the sink I caught sight of myself in the mirror. At first I was gripped with terror, but the longer I froze to my place, the longer I had to examine myself: my eyes had gone ghostly and my skin looked cracked and pale and...dead. I shook my head to clear the vision and when I opened my eyes again it was back to normal. Whatever I was seeing...she couldn't be me.


"No, not you again." I breathed, my head snapping towards the door.

Danger...this house...

Wait a second. I pursed my lips and clenched my teeth, braving my fears and deciding I needed to quit hiding from this thing. I didn't open the door, but I listened more intently.

"What's wrong with this house?" I asked evenly and firmly.


"How did you die?"

I was met with silence. There was a sudden lack of tension and I realized she was gone when I opened the door. For the first time it actually hit me that I was speaking to someone who used to be a person, not just some dark entity from the depths of hell. My stomach squeezed and I realized that if someone had died here, there had to have been a cause.

Instead of going back to my room I marched down the hall and over to the attic door. While there were things to find among the boxes I'm sure, I walked past them and over to a skylight that was about eye-level. I popped it open slightly and found a flat stretch of roof beneath it and a figure sitting at the far end. His burning eyes turned back towards me and I climbed out to join him.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked, somewhat irritated.

"She died here." I told him as I sat down. "The ghost."

"You mean that creepy black thing that stalks you?" Ladon snorted.

"Something's wrong with this house Ladon. It's not right, and it's certainly not supposed to be home to children." I told him, staring out at the cloud covered moon. "Something bad is going to happen, I just know it."

"Jesus, no wonder you don't have a boyfriend. You're so negative-"

I didn't even hesitate to turn to my side and slap him. There was no fear in my bones as he turned back around, rage flaring in his eyes. The moment they locked with mine he seemed to pause and realize there was something else going on beyond what he saw.

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