32. Humble

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A few days after the incident with the building on the news, I was on my way upstate to see Kathryn's new not-so-humble abode. She'd came and picked me up around noon, just before making a stop at Ethan's house to pick him up as well. We'd be staying the night there to celebrate her move and I was honestly glad for it. I needed a night away from the orphanage.

The music was pouring out of the speakers as we sped along the highway, the wind blowing through the open windows and surrounding us with a fresh breeze. I was staring at the cities, the buildings, wondering how even though I was so far away I seemed so close to home. I loved the atmosphere and the distant smell of the ocean, not to mention the blue skies. Dear God how I loved that blue.

Kathryn's home was tucked away in a place called Forest Hill, a neighborhood surrounded on all sides by Victorian styled homes and expensive cars. We parked at one that was reminiscent of an old mansion, smaller, but still much akin to one. It had dark wood and black shingles, something that struck me as beautiful. My jaw was agape as I stared at the modern marvel and Ethan was the one to finally shake me out of my trance when he slipped his hand into mine. I smiled at him before we walked up the driveway and into the house, only to find that the exterior touches did not match the interior.

The house was furnished with chic decor and sleek furniture; lots of steel and glass, with deep mahogany accents and black hardwood floors. Her living room was centered around a large fireplace that could've housed three children inside, a flat screen TV placed above it and pieces of classic artwork spread throughout the home. Kathryn lifted her sunglasses from her eyes to reveal silver ringed pools of blue, filled with glee as she showed off her newly acquainted home. I had to admit, this was what my dream house would've been.

"This place is huge," Ethan gawked, "and you live here alone?"

"Yes sir I do." Kathryn sighed triumphantly. "This is the first time I've lived alone. It's kind of nice."

"Who did you live with before?"

"My mom and dad, and my little brother," she began her tale, "my dad was a congressman and my mom worked full time as a nurse. They died a few years back and I lived with my grandma on my mom's side afterward. Darrian is ten, he's getting ready to go into middle school next year. It's not that I didn't like it there, but a lot of the time I was alone and I didn't have an..." she trailed off as her eyes dimmed, "I didn't have an alibi."

"Alibi? For what?" Ethan asked and I nudged my elbow into his ribs gently.

"It's fine Sable," Kathryn smiled at me, "I was accused of killing three girls a couple years ago and almost got convicted. I had no alibi for the nights they died because I was home alone. Luckily they couldn't find any evidence to really prove I did anything, so I was acquitted." Kathryn leaned back against the wall, acting as if this was the first time in years she'd really been able to talk about this. "See, I was diagnosed with mild schizophrenia when I was eleven and ever since I've been the bad apple of the family tree. I was outcasted at the beginning of the trial and things haven't been the same since. Sable was the only one who really believed in me and I couldn't be more grateful."

I walked up to her without hesitation and wrapped my arms around her waist. Kathryn hugged me tightly, her face buried in my shoulder as she trembled slightly. When I pulled away I could tell she was holding back tears.

"In our family, we're the ones that got the short end of the stick." I laughed quietly as I rejoined Ethan. "When I was house-hopping after the trials, my family was scared to have me in any of their homes so I ended up in foster houses. Kitty pulled every string possible to track me down so I wouldn't be alone."

"You guys have a really good bond then, don't you?" Ethan asked as he chuckled quietly.

"We're like sisters." Kathryn purred as she rested her head on my shoulder, sticking her tongue out and wiggling the two pieces just to annoy me. I pushed her off and she cackled while she walked into the kitchen.

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