Chapter Eighteen ~ Goodnight

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*Third Person POV*

They took their last bows, their true last bows. Not just for the night but forever. Lin gave Pippas hand a small squeeze before taking centre stage.

Pippa was excited yet saddened, she was excited for the new things that were coming. She had an audition for a new musical soon, but the thought of leaving all these memories. To leave this theatre, it was sad, no bitter sweet, that's what it was.

"Hello, hello, hello." He greeted the audience with a smile. "Hamilton had been one of the best experiences of my life. I've met so many amazing people." He glanced at Pippa after saying that. "And Though I will move on to other projects I will never forget Hamilton, thank you all for being here, now please another round for this phenomenal cast!" The crowd erupted in to cheers.

Lin came back to Pippa as the entire cast bowed once more. "All those cheers are for you Pip." He whispered.

"No, they're for everyone." She whispered back softly.

"Well then how about." He started and moved forward, "can we get a round for our Sooperstar!" The crowd obligated and cheered louder.

"How about now?" He whispered to Pippa who replied by with a laugh.

"Oh look he's playing favourites now." Chris joked to which everyone erupted into laughter.

"Goodnight everyone!" Lin said as the cast made their way off the stage, his arm wrapped around Pippa shoulder and kissed the side of her head.

"I'm really going to miss this place." She said as they walked.

"Me too Pip, but you're going on to bigger better things." He told her smiling as he did.

"Maybe You are Lin, no you definitely are but I'll be lucky if I get another part."

"Don't say that, you'll blow away anyone who sees you preform." He told her.

-Time Skip-

Lin and Pippa were now in Lins bed cuddling. Pippa smiled as she gave Lin a small squeeze. They were both very ecstatic, they were moving her in his weekend before she would go to her audition on Tuesday.

Pippa was so excited she honestly wasn't sure if she'd be able to sleep tonight. The excitement of it all had her wired like the Christmas tree at Rockefeller centre.

"We should go to sleep." Pippa told Lin, even if she wasn't sure how easily she'd get to sleep, she knew they'd have to get up early tomorrow to start packing her apartment up. "We got to get up early to move you in." To which Pippa smiled.

"Yeah, lets go to sleep." Lin said faking a yawn, truthfully Lin wasn't sure he'd get to sleep either. But he was worried for an different reason.

Lin would smile as Pippa got comfortable and her eyes slowly fell closed, it seemed she was much more worn out than she thought she was. Lin however, he was still awake and didn't seeing that changing any time soon.

So after about half an hour of laying there with sleeping Pippa and playing with her hair mindlessly, he decided he could stay in bed any longer. He slowly pushed himself out of bed, making sure he didn't wake her up. He sighed as he went into the kitchen grabbing his keys to his apartment and the keys to Pippas apartment. Lin shook his head a bit as he thought back to a couple weeks prior when he'd gotten the phone call:


"Pippa I know everything is kind of hectic right now, but I really... I would live for you to move in with me, you already live in the same building and it's a pain going back and forth and back and forth-" he rambled on.

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