Chapter Fourteen ~ Together

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*Pippas POV*

I stared at the tea pot waiting for the water to boil as I listened to the laughter coming from the other room.

Lin and Vanessa were smiling and making jokes and I knew I shouldn't feel jealous but I couldn't help it. Lin had smiled spoke to Vanessa a couple weeks ago and clearly explained that he wouldn't leave me but, he would be more than happy to be apart of his child's life.

I was so happy to heat that she'd told him that it was fine. That she told him that as long as he was a good father, she would be fine Okay. But I was finding that harder to believe especially with what she said earlier.

Lin had stepped out to get something from my apartment. It was just me And Vanessa sitting on the couch together.

"So... how long have you two been going out?" She asked.

"Oh, well about two months now..." I tell her shifting awkwardly in my seat.

"Wow he's actually been with you that long?" She asked sounding almost flabbergasted.

"Yes, Vanessa he has actually been with me that long." I told her looking down at my hands.

"Huh, wonder how long he realises you're just a whore." She said nonchalantly.

"What? Excuse me."

"Oh come on, how long did it take you to leave your fiancé to be with the now conveniently free Tony award winning, Broadway song writer and actor?"

"I didn't leave Steven, he left me." I told her. "And I'm not with Lin for the reasons you think."

"Oh?" Vanessa asked. "Even So you must remember one thing."

"What is that?" I asked.

"I know how this ends, I know Lin way better than you do, and now I'm pregnant with his baby I will be prioritised. You will never be as important as I am, ever."

I stared at her as she said this, so many things running through my mind at once. Like if I should tell Lin, if I'll just sound paranoid, or if I could really destroy their relationship when their about to have a baby.

"I-I... But-"

"When this is all over with, Lin will be with me and he'll have forgotten all about his little whore." She said as I continued to stare at her fighting the urge to cry.

"Vanessa... you left him.. you hurt him, you said you don't love him anymore and I... I do love him.." I told her, sure I'd never actually told Lin but with everything that's going on no time ever seemed right. And we haven't been together that long I didn't want to say anything too soon.

"Yeah, right." She scoffed rolling her eyes. "Like I said I know how this ends, Lin with me, not you."

I sighed and was about to answer when Lin came through the door with a huge smile on his face.

"Everyone alright?" He asked.

"Yup." Vanessa said with a smile. "Pippa was just about to make tea, isn't that right Pippa?"

"Oh, yeah, right..."

And now I'm here, watching water boil as I listen to Vanessa try to seduce my boyfriend. Okay maybe that sounds crazy but I know her long game and it honestly freaking me out.

"Name our child after a Disney character?" She asked laughing.

"It's a good name Vanessa, it's really good name." He replied.

"Alright, alright what if it's a girl?" She asked.


"Oh come on you didn't even change the film Lin.."

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