Chapter Twelve ~You Don't Want Me, Do You?

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*Pippas POV*

I woke up with a massive headache and my eyes were slightly sore. I sighed pushing myself off the floor and made my way into the bathroom.

When I looked at myself in the mirror I instantly frowned. I was a complete mess, I had slept in my makeup so that was already nasty. My eyes were all red and puffy from last night and my hair, my hair was so bad I don't even want to think about it.

Everything was so confusing, Lin was acting so weird. He's never been so mean before I didn't think he was actually capable of it.

But hopefully today we'll talk about it, everything will get cleared up and be all better. I sighed, that sounded to easy and I knew for a fact the word wasn't that easy.

I wish was though, I just want to be with Lin. It made me sad to think of where I'd usually be right now. Right now I'd be waking up in Lins arms, I would look up at him and he would smile at me.

I don't know why I was doing this to myself thinking about this my eyes started to well up with tears.

"Just calm down Phillipa." I whispered to myself. "Get a grip." I whispered sucking in a deep breath I managed to keep the tears at bay.

I sighed for what felt like the millionth time today deciding I just needed to get ready and go to work.

So that's what I did I washed my face, brushed through my hair thoroughly then changed out of what I was wearing last and into something much more comfortable. I made myself some coffee, put my shoes in and after grabbing my bag I was out the door.

But once I got to my car I groaned because I realised that Lin had my car keys. So I would either have to go back to find my subway card or go upstairs and get my keys from Lin.

I decided I would just go up and get my keys, I knew it would be hard to see Lin I didn't want to take the chance of missing my way to work.

Once I got up there I knocked lightly on the door hoping I wouldn't get the same response as last night. And I didn't a couple seconds later the door opened.

"Hey Pippa." He greeted looking towards the floor.

"Hi." I said in a small voice.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Uh, well you have my keys." I told him shifting awkwardly.

"Oh, right come in." He said shifting do I could enter.

"Mm, Okay, right Okay." I said nodding a bit as she entered his apartment.

I watched as he went to the kitchen finished pouring coffee into his mug, then made his way to his and started searching for my keys.

"You want a ride?" I blurted out and froze almost immediately after.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded completely unsure of what I was doing. "No you don't have to in just going to take the day off."

"The day after we open, Lin you can't do that and you know that." I sighed softy. "Look we don't have to talk about last night, not right now at least but you still have to come to work."

"Yeah, right.." he said looking down. "I'll meet you down there then." He said handing me my keys.

"Okay.." I whispered taking the keys and quickly went down to my car waiting patiently for Lin.

-Time Skip-

Two weeks. It's been two weeks and he hasn't talked to me, unless we're at work but that's the only time we can't talk about it.

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