Chatpter Seven ~ I'm Yours

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*Pippas POV*

It's about 5 days into vacation, and every moment of it has been amazing. Not only am I on the beach, but I'm with Lin. It's been relaxing, getting to know how we fit as a couple.

Everything about him is perfect, he's always so romantic. And not in the, I want to sleep with you so I'm being sweet kind of way. It's just how he is.

The one thing that is getting difficult is no one knows that Lin and I are on vacation together. Renée and Jasmine have been calling, to check up on me and I'll call to check up on them. And every time we're on the phone I almost let it slip that I'm with Lin.

For now this thing between us can't get out. If everyone knew, and then something went wrong. What if I'm not the girlfriend he actually want and I ruin the show?

"Hello beautiful..." Lin whispered laying next to me on the beach, pulling me out of my thoughts and into his arms.

"Hey Lin.." I whispered back, looking over at him with a smile.

"Hello my dear..." he whispered causing me to smile wider. "What would you like for dinner tonight?"

"Hmmm, I don't know... you should cook something.... Italian.."

"Italian, hmmm?" He inquired and I nodded, burying my face into his chest. "You seem tired pippa..."

"Mmhmm, laying in the sun makes me sleepy..." I mumbled closing my eyes.

"You're just too cute pip." He whispered kissing my head causing me to blush.

"Mmmmm, be quiet." I mumbled and he chuckled in response.

"I thought us being together would mean I get to call you cute."

"Well technically we aren't together." I said looking up at him.

"Oh really?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, really."

"Well I suppose I should sleep in the guest room-"

"No no, I need cuddles."  I said burying my face to his chest again and I hear him chuckling.

"Hey why don't we go in and I can start on dinner."

"M'kay... I need to take a shower." I told him pulling away, stretching.

-Time Skip-

I finished drying my hair, then pulled it up into a ponytail when the smell of spaghetti drifted into the bathroom. I quickly put on my robe, and headed to the kitchen.

"Mmm, that smells amazing." I tell him with a smile going over to Lin, who smiles at me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"It's almost ready," He told me kissing my cheek.

"Can't wait." I said pressing my lips to his.

He kiss back as my arms wrapped around his neck. I felt him pull me closer and I responded by taking part of his bottom lip between my teeth.


"Oh sorry." I said quickly pulling away. "That was too much wasn't it, sorry."

"No, no. I just wasn't expecting it, that's all." He said pressing a quick kiss to my lips. But I wanted more, so I pressed my lips to his once again, him immediately kissing back.

Lin slowly started moving towards their bedroom as if he was expecting me to stop him. Once my back was pressed against the door Lin stopped.

"Do actually want to do this Phillipa?" He asked me sounding unsure of himself. "I don't want to push and the last we- well we were drunk and.." he trailed off.

"I do Lin." I told him. "I do, I do, I do. I do." I sung and he laughed, causing me to grin at him. "But seriously Lin, I want this, I really do want this."

"Yeah?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah." I told him before pressing my lips against he kissed back right away pushing me into the bedroom.

Soon enough I felt my back against the bed, Lins hands on my waist, while my hands were pulling at the hem of his shirt.

He broke away for a moment allowing me to pull his shirt off discarding it somewhere on the floor. He gave me a look before starting to untie my robe.

"Shh, I want you, don't be nervous." I told him, putting my hand on his cheek. To which he gave me a small nod finally pulling my robe off completely.

-Time Skip-

"Damn..." I breathed, Lin was laying half on top of me with his face buried in the crook of my neck, and when he chuckled I felt it against my skin.

"Does this mean we're officially together?" He questioned.

"I mean I like and I do want to be- but it's just..." I trailed off.

"You're still scared of what people will think."

"A little yeah..." I told him feeling kind of stupid for it.

"Then, Okay we don't tell anyone yet." He said and I could feel him smile. "As long as I know I'm yours and you're  mine." He whispered pressing a kiss to my jaw.

"Yeah, I'm yours." I whispered back with a smile.

Word Count: 833

Hey I updated!

Sorry for such a short chapter, but I didn't want to try and drag it out longer. Keeping it short and sweet.

I hope like that, and that you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening!

~ Eliiizzaaa

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