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"Why are there so many guards again?" Tyler asked as we parked the truck in front of the hotel "He has a lot of enemies and also the boss of the agency is here"

"Well, shit"

We grabbed a few tool for the detector and headed into hotel "Where's the fire?" Trevor asked the man that ran toward us "We don't see any fire but its coming from a suite on the fifteenth floor" he said and gestured for us to follow.

He led towards the exact place where I told Chloe to set the fire alarm "Are you the receptionist?" I asked and he nodded "So, you know what room everyone stays?" I asked and he nodded.

"Good" I said. We climbed a few stairs and then he opened a door and saw Chloe punching the shit out of a guy on the ground.

"What the hell? I'm calling security" he said "I dont think so" Grayson said and pulled his gun on the guy and his arms instinctively went up "Oh my God!"

"Now, you know where everyone stays right?" I asked and he nodded frantically "Tell me what I want to know and my friend here won't spill your guts"

"Where is Howard Moore staying?" I asked and he reached into his pocket slowly and got out a small tablet, after a few seconds he finally spoke "Room 1106" he said.

"Good" he let out a relieved sigh and then Grayson dropped his gun and started taking off the fire fighter uniform "Help!!! Help!!! Call security to try fifth floor!!" The guy yelled into his tablet.

I grabbed it from him and smashed it on the ground "Big mistake" I said and Kim shot him with a taser to the neck causing him to jerked continuously and crashed to the ground before he became unconscious.

I pulled out one of my guns and we started making our way out of the room. The moment we opened the door a few guys emerged from behind a wall and started shooting at us.

We hid behind various door frames in the hallway and shot back when we could. After taking out a good number of the guys, we proceeded to the next floor "Grayson, Kim, you stay here and watch our backs" I said before heading up the stairs.

"You got a few guys from the agency headed your way" Beatrice said through the ear buds "What's wrong?!" Trevor asked "Baby, these guys aren't using typical military rules of engagement" she said.

I kicked the first guy that came into view in face and shot at the others behind him and used the first guy as a human shield from their rain of bullets as I crossed the hallway.

I let go of his dead body when I reached the other side of the hallway.

This hallway was a little darker than the last one. We started shooting back at them but they were still closing the distance between me and them.

"Need a little help here" I said through my teeth "You should've just asked" I heard tiny pieces of glass break and a clicking sound from the ear bud.

When I looked back they were all on the floor. I looked at the building opposite us and gave a thumbs up to the girl with a snipper on the roof.

"Tyler, Chloe, stay here" I said and they nodded, I started looking at the numbers on the room doors and when my eyes landed on 1106 I stopped and nodded towards it.

I and Trevor stayed on either side of the door and then I knocked, I heard a muffled laugh before the door opened "Tell me you killed whoever it wa..." Before Howard could finish whatever he was saying both of us pointed our guns at him.

"Damien..." He said and moved into the room slowly "Shut up" We were fully in the room, I saw a few more men and the boss himself was sat on a chair by the window.

Deathwish✔ (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now