Chapter 25

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"So Travis Redden has come back to bite us in the ass quite literally." Murphy says.

"Son it isnt that big of a deal." Michael says.

"With all do respect sir this is a big fucking problem. It's not like the regular rouges we deal with. This one wants the packs that had something to do with his banishement to burn. And I would say he is taking it quiet literally." I say.

"Well I can try to talk to the other Alphas." Michael says.

"It's not going to make a difference Mike. He has an agenda and from what the girl says then he is going to watch them all fall." Dad says.

"He already went after Sam. They killed his son about a year ago to prove a point I just dont know why it took so long for us to fucking realize it was this crazy lunitic." Dad says.

"Has anyone heard from Eddard or Grant?" Michael says.

"Not in a while. I went to see Grant when Addy got sick from the wolfs bane and I came back. I never really got to discuss anything further with him. He told me the attacks were kind of centralized to the pack house when they did attack. They didnt really mess with the kids or women, but apparently he is becoming brazen or he is becoming desperate which makes him dangerous." Aspen says.

No one says anything the room is quiet. Dad is looking at Michael and they seem to be having a conversation through a closed link.

"Hey lets talk where the rest of us can fucking hear!" I yell.

"Mind your tounge Adalynn." Michael scolds.

"Please you are the reason your son is in this mess. Speak the fuck up if you dont want to tell us what the fuck ya'll are talking about then im going home and not going to bat an eye when this pack burns." I say. Michael growls and i jump up.

"You dont get that right. I had to watch a women and her kids burn in the pack house because of the choices you made when you were Alpha. Each of you should have known that this was going to come back at each of you. It should have been death. That is the penalty for the crime of turning humans now. We don't banish anymore because we all know that if fucking backfires!" I yell.

"Each alpha has something they regret when they are on the throne. It's not as easy as you would think. It makes you go crazy." Michael says. I slam my hands on the table and scream.

"It's not the time to try and reason with your choices. Do we have any of his famiy we can use against him?" I ask.

"Well." Dad says.

"Well what?" I ask.

"His wife is still on pack lands. She is the reason we didnt kill him. She was with child at the time and no one wanted to add any stress of this on a pregnant women." Dad says.

"So we use her and the kid as leverage." I say.

"Thats the thing." Dad says.

"His daughter is another matter in itself." Michael says.

"Who's his daughter?" Murphy ask.

"Olivia." I look at Dad and start laughing.

"Fucking great." I say. I let my head fall against the table.

"Just when shit was getting simple something else had to go and fuck it up." I can't believe this shit. I let my head fall against the table again.

"Would you stop your going to cause some serious damage." Aspen says.

"We are royally fucked." Murphy says.

"That we are." I nod in agreement.

The door opens and Toni enters the room.

"Toni is everything ok?" I ask.

"I-" She goes to say something but Murphy jumps up and stops her.



TA-DA sorry I've been MIA just started getting my certification for my Nursing Assistant!! Any way hope you love or at least like!!!!!

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