Chapter 30

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 The council room is buzzing with excitement as me and Aspen walk inside. Murphy is looking around the room his eyes never straying far away from Toni. Dad and Anna look around more like they are on an edge. 

"So what is going on?" I ask. 

Murphy sits down and gestures for everyone to sit around the large table.

"Travis has been spotted. He was near Grant Stanley's pack lands. He has a few friends and they don't look like the ones who were here." Murphy says.

"What's that mean?" I ask.

"His friends look more feral then the ones who were with him here. They look like animals." Dane says.

"When they banished Travis he was turning humans against their wills right?" I ask.

"Yeah." Dane looks confused. "Why does that matter?"

"When a human is turned against their will they hold onto the animal side of the two. They hold onto the wolf. The human side is there but their humanity is not in the forefront of their mind." I say.

"So he is turning humans again?" Murphy ask.

"Seems like it. I mean it is very ballsy even for him. That brings heat  on him because most of the families notice the person is missing and file a report so if someone spots the newly turned shifters then he has a whole nother problem on his hands."

"What if he uses druggies people that he knows wont be missed?" Dane ask.

"Then that's a whole nother problem for us because that means their humanity is unstable. They don't care about anything." I say.

"Addy what about controlling something like that?" Murphy ask.

"They have to have someone still supplying the high if it is a junkie. That takes a lot of anything. The wolf needs more than the human. Like a normal person eats two times less than we as a shifter do." 

"That means he would have to have a supplier." Murphy looks at me with a spark in his eyes.

"We find the supplier we find Travis and his little creations." I say.

"Exactly!" Murphy jumps up like a kid at Christmas and I laugh.

"That's a long shot though." Aspen says.

"Yeah I know but its the only thing I can think of at the moment unless anyone else has an idea." I say.

"That's not the only thing I called all of you in here for." Murphy looks down at the floor and away from Toni.

"Toni's parents were killed on their way here and their heads were delivered to my front door with a warning note." Toni's eyes swim with tears and my heart breaks for her.

"Why didn't we know this, this morning?" I ask.

"I didn't see it till right before this, so I'm not sure if it was there this morning." 

"Then if it wasn't there when you woke up how in the hell did it wind up on your front porch?" 

The entire room was silent and its like someone was waiting on a bomb to drop.

"Someone is sneaking the person on the land. There is no way we could smell their scent. The -only way around that is-" I cut Murphy off.

"Nightshade. If someone can stand the effects of the plant they could slip past anyone of us and we wouldn't smell it." I say.

"Well we are fucked and I mean this quiet literally." Jason says.



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