Chapter 11

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 "I miss you so much mom." I say. I look at the solid slab of marble. "Feels like a cruel joke. Of all the things you could die from and it was a cold." I look at the sky. So clear and blue. 

"I don't get it. Why make us suffer as soon as she took you I was left behind to be pushed aside. I was beat and ignored by dad. He blames me for your death. I get I was sick before you and I do blame myself but did I deserve everything I got?" I let out a frustrated sigh.

"It was never your fault." I jump and spin around. Dad lays the flowers he has in his hands on the grave.  "I never should have blamed you. I know it wasn't your fault and instead of screaming at the goddess I yelled at the one person I should have protected." 

"I just could never understand why you treated me like you did?" I cant face him. Dad sighs and sits down next to me.

"I was so angry. I couldn't figure it out. Why would she be taken from us when everything was going good. I couldn't blame the goddess I wasn't able to yell at someone who wasn't there and the irrational part of my blamed the only living person in my life. I watched you come home crying your eyes out covered in dirt scraped up. I seen you come home bleeding and I blamed you. I said so many hurtful things to you. I let so many people hurt you I let them see you as weak." Dad looks up at me tears falling down his face. I wipe them away.

"It's ok dad. I was so angry with you. I couldn't figure it out. I was just always angry. I didn't understand and when Murphy rejected me it was the final straw you know like why me? What did I do to deserve this? What did I do to deserve the humiliation and hate? Finding Aspen was one of the best things that happened to me. I made a bunch of friends and they loved me. They treated me with respect." I say.

"Aspen loves you so much." Dad says.

"Yeah i'm lucky to have him as a friend. He is very dear to me." I say.

"Now Adalynn I know you are smarter than that." Dad says.


"Nothing. Ill let you two figure it out." Dad laughs and shakes his head.

"So how have you been?" I ask.

"Ive been good. I have been really well actually. I found my second chance mate." He says.

I look at dad and I don't know why I didn't see it before but he looks better. He looks alive and well rested.

"Really! I am so happy for you." I hug dad and look at the tombstone.

"She would want us to be happy. She would have wanted you to be happy and move on."

"She wants to meet you." Dad looks at me with so much joy in his eyes.


"Tonight she is actually cooking right now. If you want to bring Aspen you can she cooks like she is feeding an army." Dad laughs.

"Well in that case I will bring her a small army let her know I have six hungry guys." Dad nods and laughs she will be so happy.

Dad stands and helps me up I brush the dirt off my butt and stand.

"Be there in about two hours everything should be ready by then." Dad kisses my cheek and walks back towards his house.

I turn one last time and look at moms grave.

"I love you momma so, so much."



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