Chapter 4

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 I lay across the counch with my feet in Aiden's lap and my head in Aspen's. I flick through the channels looking for something semi intresting to watch. I hear the guys messing with something and then giggling like school girls. I set the remote down and sit up so I can look behind us. Aspen moves slightly so I can turn around and look at the guys.

Jason, Sam, Finn, Danny, and Jack are looking at a phone and I raise an eyebrow. I get up moving silently over to the guys. I move and stand next to Danny. Not one has noticed me yet. I look over Jack's shouder and look at the picture. It is of me standing shirtless next to Aspen with vulgar words plastered underneath the picture.

"Man she is despreate." I say. The guys all jump and look at me like I'm a mad man.

"Damn it Adalyn." Danny says. He puts his hand on his heart.

"Awe Danny I'm so happy that I make your heart pick up."  I say. Danny sticks his tounge out and I laugh. I move back to the couch and get back into my spot taking the remote out of Aspen's hand.  He looks down at me with a look on his face that makes me laugh.

"Oh don't give me that look you know you love me." I say. Aiden's phone rings and he gets up and walks out to take the call.

"You're lucky I do love you." He says.

"Hey we are going to harass the guys here at the gym so have fun." Jack says.

"But not to much fun." Sam says. I sit up and throw the globe décor thing at their heads. They laugh walking out of the house.

" I swear. Those guys will be the death of me." I say. Aspen laughs in agreement. I flip through the channels some more until I see a familiar face on the television.

"Really Adalyn your Walking Dead obsession is real." Aspen says.

"That it is." I keep my attention glued to the t.v as Daryl and Rick chase after Jesus.

"Isnt this re-runs?" Aiden ask as he takes his spot at the bottom of the couch.

"Yes, but anything is amazing." I say.

"I happen to pass Ned when I was on the phone and he wanted us to know that Murphy would like to talk to the three of us." Aiden says.

"Isnt that just perfect." I say.

"He is the Alpha here Adalyn we cant ignore him." Aspen says.

"Yeah but we didn't have to come to his aid. We could have let the rouges take the pack down." I argue back.

"And could you really live with that?" Aspen ask. He stands up quickly letting my head fall back onto the couch. I jump up and look at Aspen. Aiden is standing off to the side slowly exiting the house.

"Yes I would. That shithead turned on me and made me feel so unwanted, useless, and broken." I yell at Aspen.

"Adalyn I know you wouldn't want to watch an entire pack suffer for one persons wrong doings." Aspen says.

"One person. Please. I was treated like a slave from everyone. I was kicked and hit and tripped. In school everyone would call me names and make me feel like an idiot. So yes I would." I growl. Tears start spilling from my eyes even though I was trying so hard to keep them all in.

Aspen looks at me in defeat. He pulls my body close to him and kisses my head and holds me tight.

"No one and I mean no one will ever hurt you again as long as I am around." Aspen whispers into my hair.

"I trust you fully Aspen I just don't trust Murphy." I say.

"He will not touch you unless you let him." Aspen says.

"In another life." I laugh. Aspen pulls away to look at me and smiles. 

"Lets go find out what the shithead wants." I laugh and shake my head at him.

"Yeah lets go." I grab my boots and slip them on as we walk out the door. I shut it behind me and can't help but look at the place I grew up in a different light. Before my mom died I thought that this place was a glorious place. I wanted to be a great Beta. I wanted to show them that a girl could do this I wanted to show them that I was more than a face.

"What are you thinking about?" Aspen ask.

"How much I actually loved this place when I was younger. I loved it so much. I was looking forward to proving myself worthy of being the beta of this pack. When mom died it all went down hill and I was treated like shit. I woke up everyday wondering if it was worth it or if I should just say fuck it. The worse part is it all began when I was six. That's the shitiest part to all of this. " I say. Kids are laughing and chasing each other in and out of the woods. Dodging trees and climbing up to taunt the others that aren't so fast. I smile watching them play so carefree.

"Well if it makes any difference at all I am glad you didn't say fuck it." Aspen says. I stop walking and look at him.

"Makes all the difference in the world." I say. Aspen leans down and kisses my cheek. He smiles and continues walking.

"So has much changed since you left?" Aspen ask as we approach the house.

"Not really. Ned being a beta is new. He was treated worse than me in the shadows. I don't understand how that happened. The fact that they are now one of the weakest packs in this area is also new, but place wise no." I say.

"Your wrong." I look up and Murphy is standing on the porch of his house. I hadn't realized we had made it this far.

"The rouges burnt down half the houses on the southern side near the border. We are still rebuilding. The forest on that part of my land is completely black. Nothing is like it used to be." Murphy looks away.

Aspen looks at Murphy and I can see the sympathy on his face. I hear someone yelling my name and I smile. Aiden is running up and slams me into the ground. I start laughing and Aspen looks at the two of us with a lopsided grin.

"Sorry Alpha Murphy was I interrupting something?" Aiden ask. I can hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"No not at all lets go in so we can talk." Murphy moves to let us into his house.

"It's good to see you Adalyn." He whispers. He pushes past me so I cant say anything back. I shake my head and follow them further into the house.


Love the twd guys figured id sneak that in.

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