Chapter 10

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 Murphy peels himself off the side of the bench and looks at me. His eyes flash and I can feel his pack closing in towards me and he growls and they all back away. He looks at me searching for something. I growl and I can tell its making everyone uneasy. Most of the people in the room are of Murphy's pack and were present when I beat all the ugly out of Olivia.

"What the fuck was that for?" He yells.

"So you like to beat on people do you?" I yell back. "Like to take out your anger on people who don't deserve it. Like to beat the hell out of people for speaking the truth? Maybe if you were half the alpha your dad was then maybe you wouldn't need another alpha to step in and save your neck." I look at him.

Murphy looks taken aback. He stands in front of me and I kick out again but this time he blocks me and holds me in place. I move out of his grip and slam my hand into the side of his face. I can tell I am making him angry but the anger already built up inside of me is stopping any kind of clear sense from getting through. I slam my fist into his stomach making him drop to his knees. I knee him in the face and I can hear the cracking from his nose. 

Murphy moves away from me and slams his fist into my stomach and flips me into the floor. His anger taking over letting it cloud his judgement as it has mine. I feel something wet trickle down from my cheek. I touch it with my fingers and pull them away. Blood coats my fingers. I look up at Murphy and he growls. I slam my body into him and we both tumble into the floor.

"Adalynn!" Aspen yells. I tune him out and straddle Murphy.  I go to bring my fist down and I feel a hand grip my wrist and sling me off of Murphy. My body is weightless and airborne for a split second before  I feel my body crashing into a solid wall. My breath is knocked out of my body. I lift my head and see Aspen standing next to Murphy. They both look at me and I stand. I move my arm and hear a pop and I look at Murphy.

"So you know about the fight?" Murphy ask.

A growl rips through my closed lips and he looks at Aspen. Murphy pushes forward and makes his way towards me but before he can get to me Danny and Sam block his view to me. I move to get around the guys but a growl rips through the room stopping me in my tracks.

"Enough!" I turn and almost let out a yelp. Murphy's dad stands in the door looking at me and his son shaking his head.

"I still swear to this day that he was a fucking idiot for leaving you and rejecting you." Alpha Michael looks at me and Murphy. Aspen moves toward me and touches my shoulder.

"Sorry Alpha Michael. We didn't mean to let Addy find anything out but she is something special. Addy here can get what she wants out of anyone she wants." Aspen says.

"She would have made my pack a lovely Luna but I see she is now the Luna of your pack." Michael says. My dad steps inside the building next to Michael.

"Me and Aspen aren't together. I am a beta." I say.

"That's what you think." My dad says. I look at my dad and Aspen looks down at me.

"Well onto other things." Michael says. "Why are you trying to kill my son? I thought yall were good?" He ask

"Well sir you see your son is a shitstick and thinks that its ok to fight other people when they are expressing their opinion even when it is the truth. He really should go and see someone about his problems." I say. Snickers erupt around the room and Murphy turns eight different shades of red.

"Murphy?" His dad looks at him.

"Well dad you see I was in here minding my own business and all of a sudden I am picked up in the air and thrown as if I weigh next to nothing." Murphy says.

"So you let this girl whoop your ass?" Michael ask.

More laughter fills the room and Michael smiles. My dad hides his face as he laughs.

"Well in his defense sir she is the Kiss of Death." Ned inputs.

My dad raises his eyebrow and looks at me. I just shake my head at the nickname it started off as a joke as soon as I started fighting. 

"The what?" My dad ask.

"Well you see dad when I first started fighting I had a rouge get really close to me and so I kissed him right before I snapped his neck. I did it as a distraction technique and the name Kiss of Death kind of just stuck as a nickname of sorts between the three of us." I gestured between me, Aspen, and Aiden. "But the guys back home got whiff of the nickname and it became a sort of battle cry." I say.

Dad nods but doesn't say anything to me. Aspen looks at me and shakes his head.

You didn't tell the story.

He doesn't need to know the whole story Aspen.

He is your dad Addy.

Yeah and my dad doesn't need to know his daughter is a monster and kissed a dying man because I had just killed his mate in front of him.

You are not a monster.

We both know that isn't true Aspen.

I enjoy the hunt. I enjoy watching the fear in their eyes as they know this is the end.

Your not a monster you are my Addy.

I cut the mind link and smile at Aspen. I finish listening to Michael scold Murphy but all I can think of is what Aspen had said and what Michael had told me and Aspen. I move out of the guys and make a break for the door. My feet find their way to the cemetery and I sit next to mom.



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