Chapter 25

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"How was your date yesterday?" Allison asked as we changed for volleyball practise. I smiled as I scraped my hair into a messy bun to keep it off my face.
"Amazing." I replied, making her laugh.
"Care to elaborate?" she said, tying her laces on her trainers.
"He took me to Darren Shan's book signing, we visited my family, he took me to my favourite restaurant and gave me a promise ring." Her eyes widened as she inspected the ring on my finger. "And then we spent hours on the beach." I smiled.
"Why can't Scott be that romantic?" Allison sighed.
"I'll get Derek to give him some tips?" I suggested. We laughed as we made our way to the gym.
"That bitch needs to back off, seriously." I stated.
"Ignore her." Allison whispered to me.
"Yeah, me and my cousins are having a huge bonfire tonight." Jenna's nasally voice announced to a group of her friends. "I hope we don't get burned, I don't want my hair catching."
"I'd want more than you hair to get singed love." I muttered. Allison choked back a laugh from beside me.
"What are you looking at freak?" Jenna spat at me. I smiled sweetly at her before the ball came to me. I hit it back over the net, smacking her straight in the face. "Bitch! If I have to have a nose job, you're so gonna get it!" she screeched.
"Wouldn't make a difference, seeing as you've already had one." I shrugged.
"Yeah, well I'm not the one whose dad left!"
"At least I'm not filled with plastic and silicone." I retorted.
"I'm not the one with a burnt up bitch for an aunt who lives in the psychiatric ward!" she yelled.
My fists clenched and I walked over to her, standing right in front of her.
"Say that again, I dare you." I warned. "Then you'll need a nose job."
I felt her hand come in contact with my face in a slap.
"Girl, you're in deep shit now." I heard Allison say.
I glared at Jenna and my fist found its way to her nose, releasing a very audible crack. She screeched and grabbed my hair, hitting my head against the wall.
"Hey, hey! What's going on? Break it up!" Coach yelled, pulling us apart. Jenna managed to get another hit to my face before she was yanked back. "Enough! I'm taking you both to the principal."
Coach grabbed our arms and led us out of the gym. I noticed Derek and Mr Stilinski talking by his cruiser in the school parking lot.
"I hope you two know, this won't go unpunished." Coach remarked. Derek looked over at us.
"I think she broke my nose!" Jenna wailed.
"Don't insult my aunt then bitch." I glared at her. "Then your plastic nose wouldn't be broken again."
She screamed and threw herself at me, knocking the wind out of me. I grabbed her wrist before she could hit me, but felt her knee hit me in the stomach. I groaned and stumbled back, hitting something hard. Two large arms held me up and I relaxed as Derek moved beside me, his expression hard.
"What's going on?" Mr Stilinski asked.
"That bitch punched me!" Jenna screeched.
"You hit me first." I said.
"Only because you threatened me!"
"You insulted my aunt. I didn't appreciate that." I stated.
"Jenna, I think you have some explaining to do." Coach said. I smirked as she sulked, but it dropped as I saw the way Derek was looking at me.
As Jenna was taken to the principal Derek dragged me over to his car.
"Are you stupid?"
"She slapped me! What did you think I would do?" I frowned.
"Not retaliate. You just dropped down to her level by hitting her back! What were you thinking? Did you even do that?!" His eyes flashed blue as he got angry.
"She fucking attacked me! Did you want me to just stand there? I don't heal like you Derek, of course I'm gonna retaliate to protect myself!" He growled as his face was set into a deep scowl. "Don't fucking growl at me!" I shoved him by the chest.
"Don't test me." He warned.
"Why are you making this such a big deal? I've hit people before and you were perfectly fine with it. I was defending my aunt!" Tears blurred my vision as I tried to look up at the six foot werewolf in front of me. "I hate it! I hate it when the only family I have left gets shunned as a freak just because of her appearance. I hate that I can't do anything to stop it!" I sobbed, pulling on my hair in frustration.
I spun out of his grasp as I felt his large hand around my arm. I tripped and fell onto the ground front first.
"I thought today would be good, but my mood's completely ruined!" I cried, hitting my fists on the concrete.

Derek's P.O.V.
I looked down in shock at the small girl throwing a fit on the ground. I noticed Sheriff Stilinski walk back out of the school and crouched down to calm Steph down.
"Steph-" I groaned in pain as her little fist caught me between the legs. "Steph, please." I groaned.
I picked her up and threw her in the back of my car before driving away from the school.
I heard her crying quieten down the further I drove away. I glanced in the mirror to see her back facing me and I sighed.
I parked outside my house and ran a hand through my hair before getting out and opening the back door. Steph was lying on her back and looked up at me with watery blue eyes. My face softened as I crouched down.
"Steph, I'm sorry." I apologised.
"Why did you start yelling?" she sniffed.
"I was scared that you would have gotten hurt." I admitted. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten angry."
She reached up for me and I leant down. Her hands grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down so my lips pressed against hers.
"I love you Derek." She said quietly. I wiped the tears from her cheeks as I looked down at her.
"I love you too."
I pulled her to me and bundled her up in my arms, shutting the car door with my foot.
"That argument reminded me of when we first kissed." I heard her soft voice say as I gently dropped her on the couch. "Do you remember it?"
I let my mind drift back and nodded my head. I sat down beside her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders as she curled up to my side.
"Bollocks." She muttered.
"Excuse me?" I said, arching an eyebrow as I looked down at her.
"Sorry." She blushed lightly. "I just remembered all my stuff's still at school." She groaned.
I slid my phone from my pocket and handed it to her. She kissed me before dialling Allison's number. I tuned the conversation out until something caught my attention.
"Derek kidnapped me to his house."
"I did not." I defended. "I just didn't want the Sheriff to see you throwing a tantrum."
"I was not." I gave her a look. "Okay, maybe I was."
I laughed as she buried her face in my chest after finishing her conversation with Allison.
End Derek's P.O.V.

My eyes zoned in on the back of Derek's neck and I gasped. Derek turned around with a small smile gracing his lips.
"I was wondering when you were gonna see that." He said, lying beside me on his bed.
I grabbed his head and turned it, revealing the tattoo of my name on the back of his neck. He turned back round and smiled down at me. I looked up at his pale green eyes as his forehead leant against mine.
"You copied me." I said quietly, smiling. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.
"I guess I did." He smiled, his nose bumping mine. I pressed a quick kiss on his mouth and he blinked in shock. "If I remember correctly, you're the one that kissed me first." He said, referring back to our first kiss.
"You didn't have any balls, so I did it." I teased, tapping his chin with my finger. He scoffed.
"Please, I have plenty. Who attacked the Alpha away from your car?"
"Maybe, but who beat the crap out of the guy when you got caught?" I smirked. Derek growled and rolled so he was hovering above me.
"Are you challenging me?" he smirked, his arms either side of my head.
"I might be. What are you gonna do about it?"
Derek's hands shot to my sides and I squealed as he started tickling me.
"This." He chuckled, watching me squirm under him.
"Derek, stop!" I laughed, trying to grab his hands.
"Nope." He smiled, continuing his assault.
"Fine! You win!" I squealed.
His hands stopped and I sighed in relief. He smiled and kissed me gently before rolling to the side, tucking me into his bare chest.
"How's your head?" he asked, kissing my forehead.
"It doesn't hurt if that's what you're implying." I replied.
He nodded and kissed me again before tucking my head under his chin.
"Go to sleep sweetheart."
"Don't boss me." I mumbled, nudging his stomach. He chuckled as I let my eyes slip shut and closed myself off from the outside world.

Tell me what did you guys think of this chapter!!!!

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