Chapter 12

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"Derek." I called, walking into his house. I was greeted by silence and frowned slightly. "Derek?" I asked a little louder as I entered the living room. I found taser wires on the floor and my eyes widened. "No! Derek, where are you?!" I exclaimed, running around the house trying to find him.
I heard the front door open and froze.
"Scott!" I cried, running down the stairs. "Derek's missing and there are taser wires on the floor!"
"Where?" He asked. I pointed to the living room floor and he picked them up, sniffing them. "Kate." He growled. I fumed.
"Is Stiles outside?"
He grabbed my arm and ran back out the house, both of us piling into Stiles' jeep.
"Go to Allison's house." I stated. "Now."
"Kate has Derek." Scott explained.
I snuck into Allison's room and she jumped when she saw me.
"Steph? What are you doing here?" she asked. I shushed her.
"Kate has Derek. Do you know where she is?" I whispered. Her eyes widened and she nodded.
"Follow me." She said quietly. "My parents aren't home, but Kate is. Nice hair by the way, red suits you."
"Thanks, I dyed it last night."
She led me down to a large basement and we cracked the door open slightly. I gasped as I saw Derek chained to the wall and being shocked with electricity, forcing him to morph back and forth as he yelled in pain. Allison rubbed my back softly as tears filled my eyes.
"So, you and Steph huh?" Kate said, standing in front of him. "You seem very attached to her. I wonder why that is."
Derek growled and bared his fangs at her.
"Stay away from her." He glared.
"Oh, so you do remember how to talk." She stopped. "Unless, you're attached to her because she's your mate! I'm right, aren't I?" He roared at her and she laughed. "Oh honey, does she really love you back?"
"Yes." He growled.
"Well, where is she then? If she really loved you she would have realised you're missing by now and come to find you. She doesn't love you. You're just another dumb animal in this world."
He roared in pain as she electrocuted him again.
"Bitch!" I yelled, throwing the door open and running into the room. I shoved her away from him and turned the power off.
"Ah, so she makes an appearance." Kate smirked at me. "Too bad you came on your own."
"Steph! Behind you!" Allison warned.
I spun away as a large man brought a bat down where I was standing, catching Kate in the head.
"Ooh, she's gonna be pissed at you when she wakes up." I remarked as Kate lay on the floor in a heap.
"Your wolf's not able to protect you now." The man spat.
"You're right." I darted to the side as he brought the bat down again. I kicked him behind the knee and smashed his head on the table, holding him by his collar. "He is mine." I stated. "And that means none of you can touch him!"
I punched him in the jaw and he dropped the bat. I grabbed the keys and quickly threw them at Allison before ducking from his fist. I kicked him in the crotch and he groaned, doubling over and clutching himself in pain. I slammed my knee up into his face before pushing him to the floor.
I hurried over to Derek and helped Allison remove the chains. I peeled off the wired tape from his side before he was freed from the restraints. He leant on me heavily and Allison supported him on the other side. The man grabbed my ankle from the floor and I kicked him in the face.
"Kate's waking up. Come on." I said, shifting so I could hold Derek better.
We managed to make it out the house, stumbling a couple of times due to Derek's weight. Scott ran over and took Derek from us, his wolf strength helping him load Derek into the back of Stiles' jeep. Allison and I climbed in after them and Stiles drove away down the street.
I ran my hand through Derek's damp hair as his head lay in my lap. I wiped the sweat from his damp forehead before stroking his cheek.
"I love you. I mean it, I really do. Don't listen to Kate." I said so quietly that only wolf hearing would catch it. Scott glanced at me and smiled sadly.
Derek's eyes opened a little while later and he looked at me. I smiled softly down at him and he reached up, cupping the side of my face in his large hand. My fringe fell in front of my face and he tucked it behind my ear.
"You dyed your hair?" he asked, looking a little confused. I nodded and kissed his palm before holding his hand in mine. "I love you too."
"You heard me?" He nodded, a small smile on his face. "Good." I said, running my finger along his strong jaw.
The jeep stopped and I looked up from Derek.
"My mum's not home." Scott said. "Kate may go looking round your house Steph."
I nodded and helped Derek sit up; I could feel that he was still weak from being shocked numerous times. He slid out the car and I saw him stumble.
"Scott!" I exclaimed.
Scott shot in front of Derek and caught him before he fell. I scrambled out of Stiles' jeep and held onto Derek. He wrapped a large arm around my shoulders and leant on me a little as I helped him into Scott's house and up into his room.
"My dad's home, I need to go." Stiles said.
"Okay, see you later dude." Scott replied.
Stiles left and I sat Derek down on Scott's bed. I sighed and sat down a bean bag next to the bed. I lifted my shirt a little and itched at the scabs on my hip from where I got shot nearly a month ago.
"Stop picking them." Derek scolded, swatting my hand away and pulling my shirt back down. I scowled at him and he ruffled my dark red hair.
"Scott, you should have been with us. Then you would have seen Steph beat the crap out of that dude!" Allison laughed. "It wasn't bad for a seventeen year old girl." She high fived me. "Did you see?" she asked Derek.
"I saw her slam his face on the table." Derek replied, glancing at me with a small smile.
"Learnt from you." I grinned, patting his knee.
The doorbell rang and I peeked out Scott's bedroom window.
"Don't answer it." I said quietly.
"Why?" he asked, sitting back down.
"It's Kate and Chris." I replied. Derek's face appeared next to mine. I scowled and pushed his head out of sight again. "Are you an idiot? They're looking for you and you go and stick your fucking head up like a target. Do you want them to shoot it off?" I said, annoyed. Allison and Scott laughed a little as Derek huffed.
"Whatever." He muttered, flopping back down on Scott's bed.
"Oh that's real mature, go ahead and sulk." I remarked. I looked out the window again. "I hate it when they go in my house. Bitch, there's a thing called personal space." I mumbled. I sighed and moved away from the window. "Budge up." I nudged Derek in the side.
He shuffled over a little and I sat beside him on Scott's bed. His hand grabbed my side and squeezed my ribs. I jerked away and hit him across the stomach.
"Ass, you know I'm ticklish there."
"That was the point." He said.
"I will find the one place you're ticklish. Then you'll be sorry." I warned.
"Have you tried his knees?" Allison asked. I nodded.
"Feet?" Scott suggested.
"Mhm, that's not it." I said. A thought came to me. I'd never tried his neck.
I smiled down at Derek and ran my fingers through his hair, making him look up at me suspiciously. I swiftly grabbed the back of his neck and squeezed. He jerked away from me quickly and I grinned in triumph. I scrambled up and jumped onto his back, my fingers dancing across the back of his neck.
Derek made a strangled noise as he tried to hold in a laugh and reached back, trying to remove my fingers from his neck. Derek let out a laugh as I lightened my touch before he pinched my nose.
"Ouch!" I pulled his hand off my face. "That was my nose." I said, chewing on his finger.
"Stop biting me." He tugged his finger back before grabbing hold of my thighs to stop me slipping off his back.
"You two are weird sometimes." Scott remarked. "Just thought you should know."

If you can't tell already, I'm really started to dislike Kate.

Big Bad Wolf  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now