Chapter 22

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Warning: Mild sexual reference

"Is it gonna hurt?" Allison asked, holding my hand tightly.
"Come on, this is nothing compared to what I just did." I remarked, sticking my newly pierced tongue out at her before gently touching the small bandage on the back of my neck.
"I can't believe you got Derek's name tattooed on you." She said. "It's so cute!" she squealed as the woman pierced her nose, making me laugh.
"You're done. It wasn't that bad was it?"
"No." she admitted.
"Your parents are gonna kill me." I muttered after she paid, making her laugh.
"Let me see!" Scott exclaimed, running over to Allison as Derek made his way over to me. I smiled up at him.
"What did you do?" I grinned cheekily before sticking my tongue out at him. His eyes widened and he groaned. "Fucking tease." He muttered.
I laughed and turned my back to him, revealing the bandage to him.
"Have a peek." I smiled.
I felt him carefully peel the bandage away slightly.
"You got my name tattooed?"
"Mhm." I replied, feeling him stick the bandage back down before turning to face him again.
"Why?" he asked, tucking my fringe behind my ear. I shrugged.
"Because I love you and I want you with me forever." I replied, shyly looking up at him. Derek smiled and cupped my face in his hands, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips.
"I love you." He said softly as our noses touched.
"Love you too." I smiled.
"What do you want to do?" Derek asked. I thought for a minute.
"See my aunt. I haven't seen her for a couple weeks." I replied. He nodded and snaked his arm round my waist, walking me to his car.
"Hey, where are you going?" Scott called as him and Allison ran over to us.
"To see Alisa." Derek said, opening the passenger door for me. I smiled and kissed his cheek before sliding into his car.
"My aunt." I clarified. They nodded.
"See you later." Allison smiled.
I waved before shutting the door and fastening my seatbelt. Derek stared his car and drove away from my house. I leant back and rested my hand on Derek's thigh, making him glance down at it.
"That better not go any higher when I'm driving." He remarked. I laughed and slapped his thigh.
"Is that all you can think about?"
"What, sex?" I nodded. "Most of the time. Especially when I'm with you." He smiled. "You make me horny."
I erupted into a fit of giggles and heard Derek chuckle.
"That, is something I never thought I'd hear you say." I giggled.
"What about you?"
"What about me?" I asked.
"What do I do to you?"
"Too many things to mention." I replied.
"Like?" he smirked.
"Like, making me extremely aroused when you lick my spine." I shuddered at the thought.
"You're thinking about it." He stated smugly.
"Oh, and like you haven't thought about a certain thing I could do with a piercing." I said sarcastically. I saw his grip tighten on the steering wheel. "Mhm." I smirked.
"Don't tease me." He growled.
"Oh so you can tease me, but I can't tease you?" A smile lifted the corner of his lips.
"I don't think so honey, you're gonna get the same treatment." I remarked.
He stopped at a red light and crashed his lips onto mine. I squeaked in surprise and felt him smirk before burying one of my hands in his hair. He pulled away and began driving again as the light turned green.
"You're mean." I stated.
He chuckled and I leant over, running my pierced tongue up the side of his neck. He shuddered violently, making the car swerve a little before he quickly righted it.
"Jesus Christ." He muttered. I sat back in the seat and watched him, a smug smile on my face. "Yes okay, I get your point. Stop looking at me like that." He grumbled.
I flashed him a grin before he pulled into the care home parking lot. As soon as he parked I jumped on him so I was straddling his lap. His hands went to my hips and I buried my face in his neck. I felt him run his nose up my neck as his hands tightened on my hips.
"Mine." He growled.
I nodded and felt his lips attack my neck. I bared my throat to him so he had better access and gripped his shoulders as his teeth gently nipped me. I instinctively pressed my hips down onto his and he groaned.
"No, I'm not seeing your aunt with a boner." He mumbled against my neck as he lifted me off him slightly.
I let out a laugh and moved my head, attaching my lips to his. He kissed me hungrily and coaxed my tongue into his mouth. His phone vibrated in his front pocket and both of us moaned.
"Shit, too late." He breathed as I felt myself sitting on something hard. I laughed and pressed another kiss to his lips.
"Did you say Derek was with you?" my aunt asked.
"Yeah, he had to use the bathroom. He may have gotten lost." I replied, laughing lightly.
A few minutes later Derek walked into the room.
"Better?" I asked, arching an eyebrow. He scowled playfully at me as he sat in the chair beside mine.
"Yes." He replied. "You could have helped you know."
"I didn't think you needed directions." I smirked. He huffed.
"That was a low blow." He stated. I grinned at him. "I'll get you back for that one."
"Mhm." I hummed.
"Anyway, Derek, how have you been love?" my aunt asked. He flashed his teeth in a smile.
"Pretty good, yourself?"
"Suck up." I muttered so only he could hear. He sent me a smirk before looking back at my aunt.
"Much better since I moved in here. They don't treat you like you're mental." She said with an eye roll.
"You have Mrs McCall, right?" I asked. "Scott's mum?" She nodded.
"Yes, she's a very nice lady. Let's me have more freedom as she knows you. She says you're a good influence on Scott and Stiles." My aunt smiled. Derek snorted lightly.
"Good influence."
"Like you're any better. You're worse." I said, punching him in the arm.
"That hurt." He said, feigning a hurt look. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Oh shit." I slapped my hand over my mouth.
"Do you have something in your mouth?" Alisa frowned.
"No." I muttered. She looked at me suspiciously and Derek chuckled.
"Show me." She demanded. I sheepishly stuck my tongue out at her. "Stephanie!" she shrieked, making me jump and Derek erupt into laughter. "What on Earth possessed you to do that?!" I shrugged helplessly.
She glanced at Derek before looking back at me and her eyes widened slightly, making me blush a little.
"Okay, I don't want to know." She remarked. I saw Derek smirking at me and kicked him in the leg.
"Stop bullying me!" he chuckled, wrapping an arm around my neck and pulling me over so he could kiss my head.
"I am not! This is bullying."
I stood up and hugged his head to my chest, giving him a noogie. He laughed and grabbed me round the waist, pulling me down onto his lap and releasing my hold on him. I positioned myself so I was facing my aunt and my legs were dangling over his.
I felt Derek place a kiss on the back of my neck right over where his name was and smiled.

Derek's P.O.V.
"Guess what?" Steph remarked.
"What?" I asked, glancing at her before returning my gaze to the road.
"It's your birthday tomorrow." She smiled, looking at me. I chuckled and nodded.
"I know."
"Why aren't you excited?" she pouted, nudging my arm. I shrugged.
"I haven't really been bothered about it since the fire. Plus I wasn't close to anyone." I replied. I saw her chewing on her bottom lip as I pulled into her drive.
She pulled me into her house and up to her room before pushing me down so I was sitting on her bed. She pulled a small box out a drawer.
"Steph, you didn't have-" She cut me off by placing one of her fingers over my lips.
"I found something in a room when we were clearing up your house a few weeks back. I thought it would mean something to you, so I had it cleaned and made into a necklace." She said, removing her finger. "I wanted to give it to you privately for your birthday." She held it out to me.
I took the small box from her and opened it. What I saw made tears spring to my eyes. I carefully took it out and ran my thumb over it lightly.
"It's my mother's favourite pendant. My father gave it to her on their wedding day, she never took it off." I said quietly.
I stood up and pulled Steph to me, hugging her close. I felt her slip her arms around my waist and she tilted her head a little so she could see me.
"I'm sorry." She said softly. I shook my head.
"Thank you." I whispered, burying my face in her hair.
I felt her reach up and run her fingers through my hair as she kissed my cheek softly. She took the necklace from me and tied the leather strap around my neck.
"You're welcome." She smiled.
End Derek's P.O.V.

I love the ending to this one:)

Big Bad Wolf  Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora