Chapter 5

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I knocked on the door of Allison's house and was met with her father.
"Good morning Mr Argent." I greeted. "Is Allison in?"
He left and a moment later Allison walked out, closing the door behind her.
"What's wrong Steph?" she asked.
"Come to the mall with me?" I said hopefully. She nodded and we got in my car.
On the way to the mall I explained everything that had happened to me while she listened intently.
"Do you like Derek?"
"Yeah." I replied quietly.
"Then tell him. He won't know unless you speak to him about it. Men are simple like that." She said. I laughed slightly and she smiled. "Although, I have to say, you sure did pick a bad boy."
"Bad man Allison. He's twenty one." We looked at each other and laughed.
Allison flicked my nose and I snapped out of my daze.
"You're thinking about him." She stated.
"I can't help it!" I groaned. "It's not fair, my life is always crappy." I sighed.
Let's go to Stiles' house and bug him." She suggested. I cracked a smile.
We were making our way back to my car when Jackson sauntered up to us.
"What do you want?" Allison groaned.
"What are they?" he stated.
"Who?" she asked.
"Hale and McCall."
I indicated for him to bend down. He did and my fist connected with his face.
"Keep your fucking nose to yourself or I'll break it." I stated. Allison and I got in my car and I drove towards Stiles' house.
"That, was awesome!" she squealed. I smiled a little. "Teach me."
"Practise on Derek." I muttered, making her laugh.
A little while later, I parked on Stiles' drive and we entered his house.
"Stiles!" we called, heading upstairs and to his room.
"Yep!" he called back.
We walked into his room and I saw Derek. I tried to backtrack out, but Allison grabbed my arm and pulled me in with her.
'Ignore him' she mouthed.

Derek's P.O.V.
"Oh my god! We ran into Jackson at the mall and you'll never guess what Steph did!" Allison exclaimed, sitting on Scott's knees.
"What?" Stiles asked.
"She punched him!" she squealed. I glanced at Steph in shock.
"Why?" Scott asked. Steph shrugged. "You alright?"
"Fine." She mumbled, sitting on the bed.
I noticed she hadn't looked at me once since she got here and that she tried to leave earlier.
As minutes passed I saw she was growing more and more uncomfortable.
"Stop staring at me!" she exclaimed at me. "I don't want to be looked at by you!" she cried, getting up and running out the room. Allison followed her. Scott and Stiles looked at me.
"What did you do?" they demanded.
Allison came back in and glared at me before picking up her coat.
"I'll be at Steph's house if you need me." She said, ignoring me. She left and I heard a car drive off down the street.
"Derek." Scott growled. I sighed.
End Derek's P.O.V.

"I over reacted." I sighed. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. To be honest he was kinda staring at you creepily." Allison said.
The front door opened and we looked at each other. We grabbed a knife each from the rack and slowly made our way to the hall. We jumped out, knives raised, and Stiles screamed.
"Stiles! What are you doing here?" I said.
"Scott and Derek are full on arguing. I'm just hoping they don't break anything." He cringed.
The floor creaked upstairs and we moved back into the kitchen. I handed the last knife to Stiles just as my dad crawled down the stairs in his wolf form.
"Oh my god." Stiles and Allison whispered. He crouched in the doorway and I raised my knife.
"I swear to god I will kill you if I have to." I warned.
He snarled and leapt at us, claws extended. My knife sank into his stomach as Stiles and Allison slashed at him. I ducked as his hands swung at my face and twisted the knife sharply, making him roar in pain. I pulled the knife out and he was human.
"You wouldn't kill your daddy, would you baby girl? I'm the only family you have left."
I hesitated when I heard his nickname for me when I was a little girl and remembered my loving father before he was bitten. I looked at the man in front of me.
"And you're the reason why that is." I glared and stabbed him in the chest, Allison's knife joining mine.
He screamed and tried to morph, but I pulled my knife out and slit his throat. Blood gushed out and he fell to the floor, dead. Stiles gagged and dropped his knife.
"I'm going. I think I gonna puke." He said, running out my house and leaving Allison and I to clean up.
"We're gonna have to cut him up to make it less suspicious." She said. I nodded. "You sure you can do this?" I nodded again.
"My dad died six years ago when he got bitten." I stated.
For the next few hours Allison and I hacked my father's body apart and put the pieces in numerous black garbage bags. We threw them into the compost bin at the very bottom of my garden and covered it with low branches from a tree.
We went back inside to my kitchen and began scrubbing all the blood off the floor with hot water and soap.
"My knees are killing me." Allison groaned. I nodded. "Steph, are you okay?"
"I have no one because of him." I said quietly. "Now he's dead, I have no family left." She wrapped her arms around me.
"But you'll always have me and the boys. We'' look out for you. I promise."
I smiled and she squeezed me tightly.
"I think we're gonna have to use bleach." I sighed. She nodded.
"Who knew a blood stain could be a pain in the arse to clean?" she remarked.
I added bleach to the hot soapy water and we began cleaning the floor once again.
Another couple of hours passed and by then my kitchen floor was spotless. Allison and I high fived each other and stood up.
"Now all we have to do is worry about the Alpha." She sighed. I nodded.
"You'd better get home. I've kidnapped you all day." I smiled, indicating to the sunset. She laughed.
"I guess you're right." She hugged me. "I'm always a phone call away if you need me."
"I know. Be careful." I said, pulling away.
"You too."
I heard the front door shut as she left. I climbed the stairs and walked into my room, shutting the door behind me. I shed my clothes and threw them in the hamper before entering my en-suite bathroom.
While I scrubbed myself clean in the shower, tears mixed with the water running down my cheeks. By the time I was done, my hands and arms were pink from my furious scrubbing.
I stepped out and dried off, wrapping a towel around my body before blow drying my hair and cleaning my teeth. I opened the bathroom door and walked out into my room.
"Why does it smell like death?"
I screamed as I saw Derek standing in my room and I clutched the towel tighter to me. I ran into my closet and quickly changed into a tank top and shorts. I walked out again and found him standing in front of me.
"Go away." I muttered, trying to step round him. "Why are you even here?" I complained when he didn't move.
"Stiles mentioned blood. A lot of it." He stated. I sighed.
"Leave me alone."
He grabbed my arm and I turned, slapping him round the face. He let go in shock and I ran away. He jumped over the banister of my stairs and landed in front of me. He grabbed my shoulders tightly and made me look at him.
"What. Happened." He demanded.
"Why do you care?!" I exclaimed.
"Tell me!" he roared.

Derek's P.O.V.
Terror entered her eyes and her knees gave out, forcing me to hold her upright.
"My father's gone." She whispered. She pushed me away from her and went into the kitchen. I followed her and she pointed to the floor, her eyes holding a hard look. "I killed him." She stated.
"Why?" I asked in complete shock. She glared at me.
"Because he attacked me, Stiles and Allison. Plus, you put me in a crappy mood. And now, now I have no family left." Her voice wavered at the end and she turned away from me.
All my anger melted away and the ache in my chest appeared again. I followed her as she went back up to her room.
"I'm sorry for shouting. I thought something had happened to you." I apologised. I don't do that very often.
"You didn't shout, you roared. But it's okay." She said quietly.
"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting on the edge of her bed as she hugged her knees.
"I really like you." She murmured, blushing and avoiding my gaze.
The lock I kept on my feelings broke and I reached out, gently moving her fringe out of her eyes. She looked at me and I leant forward, pressing my lips softly to hers. She looked at me with wide eyes and I gave her one of my rare smiles.
I stood up and her arm shot out, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back down before attaching her lips to mine briefly.
"I like you too." I said.
I stared up at Steph's ceiling as she was curled up against my side with her head on my chest, asleep. I can't remember a time when I've felt this happy.
I turned my head and looked down at her face. She was beautiful. I wrapped my arm around her and felt sleep creep up on me. I closed my eyes and gladly succumbed to it, falling asleep with her beside me.
End Derek's P.O.V.

Please read my story and comments:) PS I will be happy thank you:)

Big Bad Wolf  Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant