Chapter 21

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Derek's P.O.V.

I quietly snuck into Steph's room and saw her staring at her laptop screen.
"Hey Derek." She said without turning round. I frowned.
"How did you know?"
She spun her chair around so she was facing me and pushed her glasses up as they slid down her nose a little, smiling.
"I can feel you, when you're near me. That way I know you're there." She replied, grinning cutely at me. I let a smile slip onto my face as I walked over to her, bending down and placing a kiss on her soft lips.
"What are you doing?" I asked, standing behind her and peering at her laptop.
"I actually just finished getting my inheritance from my dad. A hundred grand, who knew?" She looked up at me with wide blue eyes. I shrugged and traced a line along her jaw with my finger. "I just need to add up my other inheritance, then I'll be done."
I nodded and flopped myself down on her bed, my face buried in one of her pillows. It was quiet for a few minutes.
"Shit!" she exclaimed. I shot upright and looked at her, relaxing again once I saw she was okay. "Damn..."
"What?" I asked.
"I'm frigging rich; I can give Jackson a run for his money. Literally." She looked at me. "I have over eight hundred grand."
My eyes widened and I grabbed the calculator and statement from her, doing it myself.
"Holy shit." I muttered, finding she was right.
"Oh my god!" she squealed, jumping on me.
I caught her and fell back on the bed with her sitting on my stomach. I took her glasses off and put them on the table beside her bed. Her red hair framed her face as she looked down at me. She patted my chest before getting off me.
"I'm gonna go shower real quick." She said, shutting down her laptop. I nodded and she went into her bathroom.
I waited a couple of minutes after I heard the shower turn on before getting up and making my way into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind me. I began stripping my clothes off and heard a quiet giggle.
"I can feel you again Derek."
I smiled as I stepped into the shower behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck. She leant back on me slightly before I began lathering shampoo in her hair.
"Mmm." She hummed as I massaged her head.
"Feel good?" I asked. She nodded.
As she rinsed her hair out I grabbed the soap and washed the rest of her body. I saw her rub the soapy water from her eyes before feeling her fingers in my hair. I felt shampoo drip down my forehead and her thumb wiped it away before it could reach my eyes.
I stood up properly and rinsed my hair out, feeling her small hands wash my body with the soap. I opened my eyes as I heard the soap drop, arching an eyebrow as I looked down at my mate.
"I'm not picking it up!" she remarked, making me laugh. "You might rape me!" she squealed.
"You can't rape the willing." I smirked.
She huffed and I watched her bend down before she sat herself in the bathtub. I laughed and sat down in front of her, stretching my legs out either side of her. She slid forward so she was closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder.
"You okay?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist.
"Yeah." She replied, rubbing her nose in my neck. I chuckled. "What?"
"That's how we scent our mates." I said, doing it back to her. She giggled as my nose ran along her neck.
The water started turning cold and I reached up, turning the shower off. We stood up and stepped out the tub. Steph wrapped a towel tightly around her body before tying one round my hips as her doorbell rang.
"Don't want you scaring the visitor off." she smirked up at me. I laughed as she scurried out her room and downstairs.
End Derek's P.O.V.

I opened my front door and stuck my head out.
"Stiles? What are you doing here?" I asked, hiding behind the door.
"I need your help." He replied, looking a little sad. "I need to talk."
"Uh, okay. Can you just wait here a sec? I need to get dressed." I said. He nodded and I ran back up to my room.
"What's he want to talk about?" Derek asked. I shrugged and dropped the towel.
I heard him groan and flashed him a cheeky smile before throwing on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I smacked him on the butt before running back down to Stiles. I sat him on my couch before sitting on the floor in front of him.
"What's up?" I asked.
"How do I win Lydia off Jackson?"
"Okay, ask her out again. Do something that she wants and give her small compliments throughout the date; let her warm up to you. As for Jackson, I can get Derek to beat him up?" I heard Derek laugh from my room. "Or I could do it if you like?" I said.
"I may take you up on that." Stiles remarked. "But when should I ask her?"
"You have her number?" He nodded. "Call her tonight and ask for tomorrow." I replied.
"Okay, thanks." He smiled, hugging me before running out my house.
I stood up and made my way back up into my room.
"You know, I'd have liked to scare Stiles." Derek mumbled, lying front first on my bed with his face squished into a pillow.
"I'm sure you would have." I said, picking up the discarded towels and throwing them in the hamper.
"Steph." He whined.
"What?" I mimicked him. He huffed.
"Get over here please."
I skipped over and jumped up onto my bed before plonking myself down on his boxer-clad butt. He grunted as I landed on him.
"What do you want my gorgeous boyfriend mate?"  I asked. He opened one of his eyes and looked back at me.
"What did you just call me?"
"My gorgeous boyfriend mate." I repeated, grinning. I heard him laugh into my pillow.
"Cute." He remarked, turning his head to look at me.
I stuck my tongue out at him before running a hand through my damp hair, brushing the tangles out and wiping my wet hand on his back.
"Did you just lick me?"
"No." I leant forward and licked his cheek. "Now I have."
He chuckled before twisting beneath me so he was facing me properly and placed his large hands on my hips. I sighed and flopped forward so I was lying on his chest with my head on his shoulder.
"What's up love?"
"Nothing. I just have an appointment with Allison tomorrow."
"What for?" he asked.
"Allison wants her nose pierced and she has to have an adult accompany her." I replied.
"Are you getting anything done?"
"maybe." I smirked.
"Tell me." He stated.
"No, but I have a feeling you'll like it." I said. "Aww, you look so cute when you're confused." I cooed, stroking his cheeks. He scowled playfully at me and I placed small light kisses along his jaw, making him smile.
"Tell me what you're getting or I'll tell Scott it was you that broke his lacrosse stick."
"And I'll tell everyone you love cuddles." I remarked, hugging him.
"No!" he complained, squeezing me tightly. "I only like cuddles from you." He stated.
"Good." I smiled, pecking his cheek.

Aww, do you guys think Stiles will get Lydia? I really want him too. What do you guys think Steph's gonna get done in the next chapter?

Big Bad Wolf  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now