Chapter 11

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I scrunched my face up in pain before slowly opening my eyes. I realised I was in my room and Derek was nowhere in sight.

"Derek?" I asked, trying to sit up. My closet door creaked and cracked open slightly. I panicked. "Derek!" I screamed. "Derek! Oh my god!"

The door of my room burst open and Derek came running in.

"What?! What's wrong?!" he asked franticly.

"Closet! The door opened, something's in there!" I freaked. I saw him morph as he threw the closet door open, making me flinch.

"Nothing." He changed back to normal and crouched by me. "There's nothing in there." He said softly, stroking my cheek.

"B-but the door." I stuttered helplessly.

"It's nothing, I promise."

"Okay." I sighed, defeated.

"God, you gave me a heart attack. I thought something bad had happened to you." He remarked, relaxing a little.

I reached out to him and he gently sat me up so I was leaning back on my pillows before hugging me.

"Are you okay?" he asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah." I replied. "What time is it?"

"Seven thirty."

"Crap, I have school." I moved to get out my bed. Derek pushed me back down by my shoulders.

"You've been shot twice yesterday! You are not going to school!" he exclaimed.

"Derek, I have work due in. I have to go." I protested, getting up. "I'm good." I added as he reached out towards me. He huffed and I restrained the smile.

"Stay home." He said, crossing his arms over his large chest.

"No, Derek. It's my last year of school. I don't want to fail my classes." I argued. He groaned and tugged on his hair in frustration. I giggled quietly and his gaze snapped to me.

"You think this is funny?! You're killing me here!" he exclaimed, waving his arms. I snorted lightly as I held in a laugh. "Don't look at me like that." He pointed at me.

I slowly walked over to him and grabbed hold of his hands.

"Don't get so flustered, calm down." I smiled, looking up at him. "And it's rude to point." I teased, biting his finger.

"Steph." He complained, yanking his finger back.

"You either take me to school, or I walk there."

"I'd pick you up and bring you back. You wouldn't even get out the house." He smirked.

"Derek!" I shouted, punching his chest. He laughed.

"You can't hurt me."

"I'll aim lower." I smirked. His eyes widened slightly.

"No thank you." He stated, turning and walking around my room.

I caught hold of the back of his shirt as he went past me and tugged, pouting at him.

"Please take me to school Derek."

He sighed and his shoulders slumped a little.

"Go get ready."

I smiled and pulled on his shirt to get him to bend down. He did and I kissed him.

"Thank you." I said.

"Go before I change my mind." He sighed.

I saluted him before turning around and feeling a slap on my butt. I yelped and heard him chuckle.

Big Bad Wolf  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now