Chapter 3

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A few weeks had passed and my side was almost completely healed and whenever I saw Derek, he avoided me. That got me down a little.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"For a walk." I replied. I felt a sting on the back of my hand and saw my dad had scratched me with his claws. "You bastard." I hissed before stabbing him with a knife I took from the kitchen earlier.
He snarled and pulled it out of his shoulder. I threw open the door and ran out to my car, frantically trying to unlock it. I got in and locked all the doors. He banged on my window with the bloody knife and I sobbed. I started my car and sped towards the woods.
I was in the woods when I crashed into a huge animal, soon realising it was the Alpha. I screamed as it broke through my windscreen. I scrambled into the back seats as tears ran down my face. The back window smashed open as my dad tried to get me in his wolf form, making me scream again.
I cried harder as I realised that I was most likely going to be killed. Something tackled the Alpha and another flew at my dad.
"Steph." Stiles whispered, opening the broken door.
"I'm stuck!" I cried, pointing to my legs that were pinned under the front seats which had been forced down by the Alpha.
Stiles stayed crouched by my head and tried to calm me down as I watched the fights with wide eyes.
A while later I saw the Alpha run off and my dad, half limping, followed after him.
"Steph." I turned my head and saw a human Scott behind me with Stiles. "Can you get out?" he asked. I shook my head, still crying.
I saw Derek's wolf face appear in the opposite window before he tore off the crushed in door. I gasped and tried to move back, but couldn't.
"He's getting you out, don't worry." Scott said. I nodded.
Derek ducked inside my car and began shoving the front seat. It creaked before slowly inching up. Derek growled and placed his shoulder under it before pushing up. I saw his muscles bulge and the seat broke away, freeing my feet. Derek moved further in, straddling my legs to move the other seat. This one seemed to be easier as he pushed it up with the first shove.
Scott and Stiles pulled me out of my mangled car and sat me on the ground. Derek climbed out and I saw he was back to normal.
"You're freezing." Stiles commented as I shook. Derek shrugged off his leather jacket and threw it over me before crouching by my outstretched legs.
"Anything feel broken?" he asked. I shook my head, a few tears still escaping my eyes. Derek felt up my legs just to make sure.
"You're always getting in trouble." Scott remarked.
"Sorry." I apologised.
"Ah, I was gonna ask if you're free tomorrow night." Stiles said. I nodded.
"I don't need to be babysat." Derek muttered. Stiles ignored him.
"I have a date with Lydia and it's the full moon tomorrow. Do you think you can watch over him?" he asked, jabbing his thumb at Derek. I jumped at the look he was giving Stiles. Derek noticed and softened his expression a little.
"Okay." I replied.
I looked at my clock, 6:30pm. I wrapped up warm and stole my dad's car keys as him and the Alpha had totalled my car. I left my house and got in the car, driving towards Derek's house in the woods. Tonight was the full moon.
I glanced up at the darkening sky and hurried the car a little more. I was nervous, but if he hadn't hurt Stiles before; I was hopeful.
I parked outside his house and next to his black car. I got out and hurried up the porch steps. I knocked and the door opened, revealing Derek in a pair of dark jeans and a white T-shirt. He motioned me in and closed the door behind me, leading me into the living room.
"You didn't have to knock, I can hear when you're coming." He said, smirking a little. I blushed lightly.
"Sorry, my mother drilled polite manners into me when I was little." I saw a ghost of a smile on his lips. "What do I have to do?" I asked.
"Don't run away. If you do, I'll chase you and there's a possibility of you getting hurt. If I come towards you, which I probably will, just act as normal as you can. And don't let me leave the house if I become angry for some reason." He said. "Got it?" I nodded.
"Don't run, act normal and keep you in the house." I repeated. "I'm ready."
"Good, because it's starting."
I watched as his pale green eyes turned ice blue, his fangs come out and his face morph slightly into a wolf.
He looked at me and growled, walking over. I slowly backed up until my back made contact with a wall. He pressed me against the wall and I looked up at his face. He leant down and started sniffing me. I stayed still and let him do whatever he wanted.
He stepped back and stared down at me. I held his piercing gaze and lifted me hand up.
"Derek." I said softly. "It's me, Steph."
Recognition flickered in his ice blue eyes and he lifted his clawed hand, pressing his palm to mine. His hands were huge compared to mine. I smiled up at him and he seemed less tense than before.
Playing hide and seek with a werewolf is terrifying, but amusing when you find him.
I opened the door to the cupboard under the stairs and saw him crouched down. He grumbled and I laughed. He growled and jumped at me playfully. I squealed and he grinned wolfishly. I looked down at my watch and saw it was nearing five in the morning.
Derek scooped me up and placed me on his shoulder, walking back into the living room. He deposited me on the couch and started pacing around the room. I noticed the sky becoming lighter as dawn approached and I yawned.
Another hour passed before Derek changed back. I yawned and he looked at me.
"What did I do?" he asked.
"You played hide and seek with me." I replied, laughing at the look on his face.
"Seriously?!" I nodded.
"It was amusing when I found you, but terrifying when you were seeking me."
"I didn't hurt you?"
"No. you just sniffed me." I giggled. He scowled at me. "You recognised me." I said, yawning again. I noticed him hold back a yawn. "I'll be back."
I went out to my dad's car and grabbed two energy drinks from the back seats. I hurried back into Derek's house and threw one at him. He caught it as I opened mine.
"I'm gonna regret drinking this." I sighed before downing it. Derek did the same.
"New car?" he asked, indicating outside. I shook my head.
"Dads. I stole the keys." I replied, dangling them in front of him. He raised his eyebrows. "I have a rebel streak I got from my brother."

Derek's P.O.V.
A little while later I could feel the energy buzzing off her as she practically bounced around. I chuckled and shook my head.
"So, was I better than Stiles?" she asked.
"Very much so." I replied, crossing my arms as I watched her run around.
Scott and Stiles entered my house and she collided straight into them, falling to the floor.
"Ow." All three of them said. Steph jumped back up onto her feet.
"How'd it go?" Scott asked.
"It was fun." She replied. They looked at her weird and I smirked. They glanced at me.
"What do you mean by fun?" Stiles said suspiciously.
"Oh! How was your date?!" she exclaimed excitedly.
"What did you do to her?" Scott demanded.
"Nothing. She drank an energy drink." I replied in amusement.
"Oh god." He muttered.
End Derek's P.O.V.

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