Chapter 20

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I sighed as I sat in front of Mr Stilinski in his office.
"Is this really necessary?"
"Yes Stephanie, you've gotten yourself caught up with a man that is suspected of mur-"
"Derek is not a murderer!" I exclaimed in anger. Everything went quiet and I felt numerous pairs of eyes on me. "He hasn't killed anyone, he's been with me for six months." I said more calmly.
"Okay, so you've been together for six months." I nodded. "And has he done anything that could be an offence?"
I knew what he was getting at.
"No, I was eighteen the first time." I said, crossing my arms. I heard the door burst open.
"Stiles!" Mr Stilinski exclaimed.
"Dad, as much as I hate to say this, Derek's good." I smiled. "He hasn't done anything wrong and he's not killing anyone."
"You know Derek Hale?" stiles nodded.
"So do we." Scott and Allison said. Mr Stilinski looked at us, slightly dumbfounded. He turned back to me.
"I'm not saying anything until you bring Derek here." I said stubbornly. He sighed and left the room. "You have, awesome timing." I smiled, turning to my friends. They grinned and Allison engulfed me in a hug.
A few minutes later the door opened and Mr Stilinski came back in, followed by my gorgeous werewolf boyfriend.

Mr Stilinski's P.O.V.
As soon as Derek came into the room behind me I saw Steph's face brighten into a smile. I noticed Derek's expression soften as she ran over and hugged him. I watched as he nudged her back over to the chair and sit down before gently holding her on his lap.
"You three, out." I instructed.
"Now Stiles." I cut my son off.
He sighed before all three of them left my office, shutting the door behind them. I looked back at the two in front of me and felt a little awkward as he kissed her forehead affectionately. I cleared my throat and they snapped their attention to me.
"I understand you've been together six months." They nodded. "And Stephanie you mentioned Kate Argent."
"I did not, you're just bringing her up." She huffed.
"Kate shouldn't be trusted." Derek scowled. "She's the one you ought to be watching, not me." I raised my eyebrows.
"And why would that be?"
His jaw clenched and a fire seemed to be burning behind his eyes. Steph whispered something to him and he calmed slowly.
"It's none of your concern."
"It would be better if you didn't get caught up in it. Stiles doesn't want you to get hurt." Steph said softly. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Oh, another thing Steph. What happened to your father? He hasn't been seen in months."
She immediately looked away from my gaze and stared down at her lap.
"He left, I don't know where he's gone." She replied quietly.
End Mr Stilinski's P.O.V.

I felt Derek's fingers intertwine with my own as his arms tightened around me.
"He left you?" I nodded. "You don't seem that upset about it."
I tensed a little and lifted my head, looking straight at him.
"He was trying to kill me, I'm glad he's gone."
"Calm down." Derek whispered by my ear, his nose just brushing my neck.
"Excuse me?" Mr Stilinski said, perplexed.
"He was abusive for the past six years."
"Why didn't you tell me? We could have done something." I shook my head.
"I couldn't." I whispered.
I was lying on my back on Scott's bedroom floor as he finished up the bits of homework he left.
"Mhm?" I hummed.
"I'm sorry." He apologised.
"What for?" I frowned, turning my head so I could see him.
"You know, for saying stuff when yours and Derek's relationship comes up." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh." I said softly, staring back up at his ceiling.
"I really am. It's just, I think of you as my sister. So does Stiles, we get kinda protective."
"It's okay Scott, I understand." I smiled a little. "You two are like brothers to me. I think Andrew would have liked you." I said, picturing my brother's face. "You know, he'd have gone apeshit when he heard I had a boyfriend. He saved me; he jumped in front of me when our father was attacking."
Tears leaked out the sides of my eyes and I felt a hand grab mine.
"Sorry, I don't know where that came from." I said, wiping my eyes. "I just, I miss them so much. Knowing I can never see them again, never see Hailey grow up."
A hand pulled me up so I was sitting upright, coming face to face with Scott.
"I think, you and Derek need to talk about it. You'll both understand each other, you both know what it feels like." I nodded. "Hell, it may even make you two closer." Scott said.
"You're right." I sighed, using his arm to help myself stand up. "He's not meeting you tonight?" Scott shook his head. "Good, he can't escape then."
Scott let out a laugh and I ruffled his hair.
"See ya tomorrow bro." I said. He smiled at me.
"See you later."
"I have to talk to you." I said as soon as Derek entered my room.
"About what?" he frowned.
"My family. I need to vent, and you're the only one who'll understand me." I replied, watching as he sat down opposite me.
"I'm listening." He said softly, linking his fingers with mine.
"It's just, I thought of my brother today and then I couldn't help but think about the others. I, I miss them so much and I can never see them again. Knowing that, it makes it so much worse and everything seems to some crashing back down. My mum is never going to help me cook anymore and she's not there to help me learn about life, I'm never gonna see Hailey grow up, Dawn and Andrew we can't get away together anymore, I won't hear any more of my grandparents' stories, I can never babysit my younger cousins again a-and I'm never going to see Kristen again." I sniffed as I felt tears flowing down my cheeks.
"I know, it's hard coming to terms that you'll never see them again. Not be able to touch or hug them." Derek's voice was thick and I looked up at his face, seeing unshed tears in his eyes. "I miss them so much, especially Laura. I don't even know what to do sometimes, it hurts." He admitted.
I shuffled closer and he pulled me onto his lap, hugging me tightly. I pressed my face into his chest and he buried his in my neck. I felt something wet slide down my shoulder and my eyes widened as I realised Derek was crying.
I gently grabbed hold of his face and pushed him back to where I could see him. My heart broke as I saw the matching pain in his eyes and the tears trailing down his cheeks. I wiped his wet cheeks with my thumbs and gently bumped his forehead with mine.
Derek laid us both on my bed and held me close to him.
"I'm not alone, I have you."
"You'll always have me." I met his eyes. "I love you."
"I love you more." he said softly, giving me a small smile.
I pressed a soft kiss to his mouth before snuggling closer, resting my head on his chest and hearing his heartbeat.

Aww, Derek opened up a little? He's finally letting someone in, part of the reason why is Steph's been though the same as him so she understands where he's coming from.

Big Bad Wolf  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now