Chapter 8

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I jolted awake as Allison screamed my name. I jumped off my bed and over to Allison as I saw two red eyes in the corner of my room. The Alpha growled and lunged at us. I pushed Allison through the doorway and followed after her as we ran out of my house.
I grabbed her hand and we ran into the woods barefoot and only wearing girl boxers and tank tops. I could hear the Alpha behind, chasing after us.
The dark made it hard for us to see and we soon found ourselves in a muddy ditch. Allison managed to climb out and reached down to me, grabbing my arms. She helped me climb out and we began running again. Allison tripped and I pulled her back up to her feet, both of us streaked with mud, dirt and leaves.
"Scott!" Allison cried. I could feel tears well up in my own eyes before they spilt down my cheeks.
We ran, stumbling due to the dark, for what seemed like hours before I spotted the dark silhouette of Derek's house.
"Derek!" I screamed, running faster towards the house while towing Allison with me.
Two figures barrelled out the house and sprinted over. I soon realised they were Scott and Derek. I flung myself at Derek and collapsed into his arms, crying from relief and fright. I imagined that Allison did the same with Scott as I could hear her sobs.
"I'm taking Allison to my house." I heard Scott say.
"Be careful." Derek replied.
Derek's arm went under my knees and he lifted me up into his arms, pulling me close to his chest. He hurried back into his house and up to his room where the room was lit by a small lamp. He carefully set me down on my feet.

Derek's P.O.V.
My expression turned into one of shock and worry as I looked down at my now vulnerable looking girlfriend. Her feet were bare, her clothes were torn, she was streaked with mud and dirt, her hair was messy with a few leaves stuck in it and there were tear streaks down her face as she shook.
"What happened?" I asked softly, cradling her small face in my hands. She looked up at me, her eyes shining with fresh tears.
"T-the Alpha was in my room. W-we ran." Her bottom lip trembled. "We couldn't see in the d-dark."
"Oh honey." I sighed, pulling her into my chest as she started crying quietly. I picked the leaves out of her hair and gently pulled her into my bathroom.
I turned the shower on and went to leave, but Steph clutched onto my arm with a desperate look on her face.
"I'm only gonna be outside the door, I promise." I said softly, looking directly in her eyes. She nodded reluctantly and I kissed her forehead before leaving the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I could still hear her crying through the door.
I heard a small knock from the other side of the bathroom door and opened it slightly, handing her a pair of my boxers and a T-shirt.
The door opened a couple minutes later and Steph walked out now clean and drowning in my clothes, but still looking upset. I pulled back the covers of my bed and motioned her over. She shuffled over and fell front first onto the bed.
I pulled off my shirt and jeans after kicking my shoes off, leaving me in my boxers. I got into my bed and Steph rolled onto her side to face me before curling up to my chest. I pulled the covers back up and wrapped my arms around her protectively. I made sure I stayed awake until she had fallen asleep before drifting off myself.
End Derek's P.O.V.

I groaned quietly and stretched slightly, opening my eyes. I saw a pair of pale green eyes looking at me and jumped before realising it was Derek.
"You okay?" he asked, his eyes shining with concern.
I nodded, lying down again so my cheek was pressed against his bare chest. I heard him sigh and he ran his hand through my curly hair.
"Your hair looks nice curled." He commented, fingering one of the curls.
"Thank you." I said into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I noticed that I had moved during the night and was now lying on top of him. "I have school." I told him quietly.
"I know. I'll take you." His chest rumbled as he spoke.
A couple minutes later I sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes. Derek reached up and smoothed my hair away from my face. I moved off Derek and he sat up. I yawned and shut my eyes briefly, having to force them back open.
"Tired?" Derek asked. I nodded.
Derek smiled softly and leant forward, placing a kiss on my forehead before he got out the bed.
"Can't I skip today?" I asked. He turned and looked at me, arching an eyebrow.
"I know I'm a bad influence, but no, you can't skip school. I never did." He said, a smiled lifting his lips. I pouted with puppy eyes and he quickly looked away. "Nope."
I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. We stared at each other for a while before I gave in.
"Fine." I sighed. I crawled to the edge of the bed before standing up. My ankle gave and I gasped, feeling myself fall. Derek caught me round the waist and sat me back down on the bed. I looked down and saw that my ankle was literally black. "Ouch."
Derek crouched down in front of me and rested my foot on his thigh. He inspected the bruise before looking up at me.
"How did you do this?" he asked. I shrugged lightly.
"It was dark last night." I said quietly. I felt him squeeze my ankle and cried out in pain. "What are you doing?!" He cringed.
"I'm sorry." He apologised. "I was checking that you hadn't broken it."
"No school?" I sniffed as my ankle throbbed. He stood and presses his lips to my forehead.
"No school." He confirmed. "You got lucky this time." He winked. I giggled, making him smile. "I have to wrap your ankle though, you've sprained it." He said, pulling on a pair of black jeans. He motioned for me to stay and I rolled my eyes.
"It's not like I can get anywhere." I remarked. He scowled playfully at me before leaving the room.
I shuffled further onto the bed and laid down on my back, shutting my eyes. I noticed the room was a little cold and shivered, goose bumps appearing on my exposed skin.
"You cold hun?"
I jumped at the sound of Derek's voice and nodded, not opening my eyes. I heard Derek's phone ring and him answer before I felt him press it up to my ear. I took it and opened my eyes.
"It's Allison." He said, pecking my lips.
"Hello?" I said through a yawn.
"Steph! Where are you? Are you okay?" Allison babbled.
"I'm at Derek's and I sprained my ankle." I replied, watching my boyfriend wrap up my ankle.
"Aww hun, are you not coming to school then?"
"Nope." I smiled.
She fussed over me a little more before allowing me to hang up just as Derek finished with my ankle.
"Derek?" I said as he laid down on his side next to me, propping himself up on his elbow.
"Your uncle said something yesterday, and I don't know what he meant."
"What did he say?" he asked.
"Something about you not claiming me yet." I replied. I heard him sigh softly. "What does it mean?"
"I'm not claiming you until you're ready because to do it we have to have sex." I blushed lightly and he smiled softly, pressing his forehead to mine. "You're special, you're my mate."
He kissed me gently before tucking me into his side.
My doorbell rang and I hobbled down the hall to answer it. I opened the door and saw Mr Argent.
"Hey Mr Argent. What can I do for you?" I asked, smiling a little forcefully.
"What happened to your ankle?" he frowned.
"I was running and fell down a ditch." I replied. It wasn't technically a lie.
"Be more careful." I nodded. "Do you know Derek Hale?"
"I've heard of him, but I don't know him personally." I lied.
"Really? Because I could have sworn I saw you with him yesterday leaving the school in a hurry."
"I don't recall leaving school with him. I was with Allison. You can ask her if you want." I said. His face fell. "And you can get out my room whoever's in there!" I called. Kate Argent came down my stairs.
"You've got good hearing." She remarked.
"Find anything that interested you in there?" I asked.
"No, but you're definitely hiding something." I shrugged.
"Condoms from my dad. I don't really want him finding them." I waved it off.
"You have a boyfriend?" they asked, surprised.
"Maybe." I smirked, leaning on the doorframe. "Now if you would excuse me, my ankle's starting to hurt."
They left my house and I made sure to watch them go before shutting my front door. I turned around and jumped back in shock, my back hitting the door, as my boyfriend stood there.
"When the fuck did you get there!?" I gasped, clutching my chest. Derek smiled and wrapped his arms around me.
"Just now. They didn't do anything, did they?"
"No. They just think I'm hiding something." I replied.
"Be careful then." He murmured, leaning down. His lips met mine softly in a small kiss.
"You be careful." I said sternly. He smiled and hugged me to his chest. "I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed the top of my head.

I hope you guys read my story thank you :)

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