"Why~?" he pouted. "Duckies awe pwetty!"

"They are, but we don't have conditions to adopt one."

Of all animals, he needed to want right a duck, if it was another animal maybe he would talk with all caregivers and adopt one.

Or did he already did that earlier?

"Pwease Daddy, pwease!"

"You are a very good boy little man, but we can't have ducks. That's final."

"Oh, otay..."

"Don't be sad baby, i have a surprise just for you today, and tomorrow."

"A su'pwise?" he tilted his head cutely. "Fow me?"

"That's right Tae, but for today i need you to be a big boy for Daddy, can you do that?"


"I see, you don't want my surprise. I feel so sad." he positioned his hand on his chest, before faking-cry.

"Don't be sad, okay i'll be big!"

Namjoon noticed a difference on the way he talked so he waited for him.

"Alright, why do i need to be out of little space for that surprise?" he asked.

"Well..." now that it's time Namjoon got nervous. "I thought about this these past two weeks and... do you want to go on a date with me?"

Taehyung automatically blushed with the invitation, i mean, it was his first date with Namjoon.

"Y-Yeah, i would love to go on a date with you!"

Both of them had huge smiles, they couldn't help it.

"Okay, so i need you to dress something pretty, we're going out for dinner."

"Oh, okay. Where are we going?"

"Just somewhere fancy."

"Isn't those places to expensive? I don't want you to spend that much money on me like that."

Namjoon understood what he wanted to say, but he has the money so he wants to spend everything on Taehyung.

"Don't worry about it baby, just go dress something nice. I'll do the same. In twenty minutes i'll go get you."

"Okay then."

Namjoon kissed Tae's forehead and both of them went to their own bedrooms.

Taehyung just ignore how childlike his bedroom was and went to his wardrobe, where he had a space for big boy clothes.

Namjoon said that it was a fancy place, so he took out a smoking that he had, still unsure if that was a good choice of clothes.

He laid it down on his bed and observed his clothes again, noticing a pair of black jeans and a white shirt with some drawings on it.

He thought about what clothes should he wear twice, ending up choosing the smoking and the shirt.

Finally he took his pair of shoes that looked more fancy, because he didn't had any pair of fancy shoes.

"This will work." he murmured.

Then he proceeded in taking a quick shower because he had more fifteen minutes and soon he was ready.

After he dressed himself he checked if he was all okay before he tried to make his hair look fine too. He wanted it to look like the clothes he was wearing and didn't want his hair with locks like usually.

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