I'M I'M S-SSorry

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Simon POV
I was looking at Amanda and the first thing I see is Amanda pass out ,I panicked and ran into the hall and "yelled nurse nurse help!" Chris had the baby in his hand and he was worried about Amanda even though he was confused why or if the baby was his or not so he told me and Chris to step outside I told Alesha and David what happened and they were very happy to see the baby but Chris had her in his hands but the nurse sooner later had to take her away Alicia said "is she OK" then I said "I hope so"then Chris comes up to me and says "Simon tell me the truth do you know who's baby this is ,is it mine or is it not tell me the truth please"I said " i'm sorry Chris but me and  Amanda had an affair we didn't expected it to go this far and she got pregnant we knew you were going to notice the baby's features didn't look like yours but I told her to tell you it was yours i'm truly sorry Chris" I saw a tear come down his face I feel bad but also had to know if Amanda was OK and if she is I don't care what the circumstances are I'm going to love this baby girl Heidi with all my heart and all my soul I know we should of not took it this far but I did I should've stopped myself but I couldn't Chris says "I can't believe it I tried my hardest I know she was faking orgasms but you're the dad of this baby girl I'm not gonna stop you from what's yours I just wished Amanda had a told me and we could've fixed it and the baby could've been mine" I smiled and said " thank you Chris, will talk it to Amanda when she wakes up hopefully I hope she's OK even though she betrayed you and I did to do it for the sake of the baby and talk to her about it slowly" He smiles and says "Ok" but the nurse come to us and says "She awake you may see her now" Alesha and David fell asleep cause they were so worried about Amanda so I decided to let them sleep So,We walked in the room and Amanda saw both of us and said "i'm so sorry Chris I didn't mean to hurt you I tried to stop but it wouldn't work it's like he had this power over my body then I got pregnant I didn't know what to say" Chris said " Amanda I'm just disappointed I'm not mad am I sad yes are we going to get divorce I don't know I'm a think about it but Amanda I tried my hardest to please you" she said " I know Chris my body wouldn't stop" I felt really bad this is all my fault so I said " if you and Chris wants to take the baby and start a new family that's fine with me I just can't be here if you do" tears started running down my eyes but Chris says " no way I know you love this baby girl I could tell you wanted to cry when you hold the baby it was very obvious but what about Lauren?" " i'm going to have to tell her even though I don't want to I have to"and Amanda just sits there looking sad because she know she broke Chris's heart and she's about to break a marriage by getting pregnant she says "Simon I'm so sorry I tried" I said it's ok I was my fault to" I kissed her head and Chris uncomfortably smiled at me I said "I'm going to call  Lauren so I can tell her she'll be heartbroken though" they both said "ok"


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