Why Pt 2

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Amanda's POV
I realize that I just had sex with simon and it was literally the best sex I ever had it was better then Chris . I wonder why I didn't stop Simon! I Said Panicking "Omg Simon we just had sex we shouldn't have done this" and Simon said " I'm sorry I just wanted you so bad" it wasn't all his fault I let him do that to me! I said "Let this not happen again " Sì agreed with me then I get up from his chest and simon gets up I see his back and I realize that his back was bleeding because of me " Sì I'm so sorry for your back Simon "Simon said" It's ok I like the scratches It makes me feel like I did my job right to pleasure you! I couldn't help but blush but he had to leave before we get caught. Sì left and I got dressed about 5 minuets after Simon left My friend from my daughters school Maddie was knocking at my door before I opened the door I thought "Me and Simon shouldn't have sex we both are married and have children. I see I have hickeys all over my body some of them were covered by my clothing but I had hickeys on the front and back of my legs,My Breast,neck,Stomach and arms. I sort of like them and don't at the same time just because he marked me as his Territory which I think is really sexy but everybody can't know that me and simon fucked! Then I went to go open the door and I saw Maddie "hey Maddie what brings you here" Maddie- "Hey Amanda you forgot your Watch with your kids on it at my house", " Thank you!" I said ,Maddie sees one of my hickeys on my neck and she asked me "Was Chris Here ?" I said "Why!". She said because I see a huge hickey on your neck and then she said you go girl and I laughed and I agreed and said he was here even though he wasn't I didn't want her to find out then we said our goodbyes and Maddie left and Christian came in who is my makeup artist he does an exceptional job He asked "What's with all these hickeys" I said " I'm sorry promise you won't tell if I tell you" my other staff went to get something to eat but not Christian because he already ate and we're about to go to the Auditorium. He said "I won't I promise" I blurted out "Me and Simon had sex" surprisingly he wasn't shocked " I knew y'all were going to sooner or later" he said and I said how did you know he said " because I know you have a crush on him and he has one on you" I blushed

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