Alesha Needed me or I

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Chris POV
I was waiting for my wife to get home our children are sleep and she hasn't been home since 7:30pm, I decided to call her and I maybe called her another 5 times . She didn't answer , this is not usual .

Amanda POV
I realize I woke on Simon chest but I was supposed to wake up on Chris's chest but I didn't . I look at my phone and realize that Chris had been calling me and I know he is wondering what the hell is going on . At this point all I'm doing is thinking and thinking till my brain hurts thinking of where I could have been , so I could tell Chris . I called him back and soon as I get on the phone he just going off .Chris said " Where Have You Been ! I was so worried about you" ,I'm sorry Alesha called and I went to drink with her I was going to tell you but my phone died then I got drunk and now I'm at her house " I reported. Chris said " oh ok babe don't ever do that again you hear me!!" "Ok I said,I thought in my head-I shouldn't had done this now I lied on Alesha and I need to tell her- so I call Alesha- " Hey Beautiful " said Alesha . " I feel like I need real help I can't stop messing around with Simon and I really love my husband and you know that , I talked to my husband this morning and I told him I was with you and we had a couple drinks . All I remember I came over and I couldn't help but let him crawl all over my body and we made love on the counter top and on the floor and oh yeah it was wonderful , but come on you have help me out on this one . Alesha said " Okay . I got you this time but only this time , but you have to stop messing around with Simon for Chris finds out and that will break his heart ." Alesha but I can't it hard he makes me melt like anything in this world and don't forget we work together and he sits right next to me and I just want him to take my body and make me beg for to stop cause I'm about to come I just saying I don't know what to do! "Fine I will help you just be more careful before someone get either Physically or Mentally hurt"I said ok

Chris POV
My wife gets back from Alesha and I was like come here and I kissed her hard and led her to the king sized bed and i holds her gently and kisses her softly and I make sure I don't break my baby and she slightly moans It sounds sexy

Amanda POV
So when I get home I see Chris and he kisses me hard then he leads me to the bed and he gently kisses me try not to suck to hard to hurt me but he so boring he only wanted to do regular sex nothing adventuress like we stayed in Missionary style the entire time I wanted to do work too.but I didn't complain to him and It quite felt good but he didn't look at me the way Simon looks at me, Simon look at me like I'm his prey and he the lion or like he want me so bad that he can't but make love to me but when Chris look at me he look at me like I'm his lilli Flower and when he gets ready to climax he just squint and be like we're done like he doesn't won't me after the first round! I luv him to death I do but the love making gots to get better.

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