Am I Pregnant

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Amanda's POV
It's the next day I wake up in the right bed but I feel sick and I go to the bathroom and throw up then Chris comes to me and hold my hair and says "are you ok" I think so I said but then I realize my period was late that mean I could be pregnant I'm happy about that but it's not Chris if I am it's Simon, I thought "I can't be pregnant all my life I have troubles getting pregnant I was blessed to have Hollie and Lexi" so I went to a pharmacy and I got three different pregnancy tests and I went home and I peed on all three ,two minuets later I looked an they all said I was pregnant I was so happy the main thing is do I have to tell Chris and will Simon be happy about it. So I call Simon

Simon POV
I wake up from my nap and Lauren laying next to me laughing at this tv show she watching and my phone goes off and I see it's Amanda and I went to the bathroom to answer it "Hay Amanda is everything alright"-"Yeah everything is fine it's just I got some exciting news but I don't know if you would like it I'm so sor.. Simon stop me and said "what is it" I'm pregnant" i was shocked and I was happy "Amanda I'm so happy we're going to be parents together" I'm glad you think so I'm happy too"I say " how far are you", "I just fount out"Amanda Replied well can we meet at 3:00 to grab some tea so we can talk" -Yeah I would love wait no sex right" "well" Simon your such a flirt" bye babygirl" bye daddy and she giggled!

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