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6 Months Later.....
Simon POV
I'm in bed and Lauren is laying next to me, I hear my phone go off and Alesha told me that Amanda is in labor at the hospital so I told Lauren that we should be there when she gave birth to the child cause were her friends but really cause I'm the father,So I wake up Lauren and told her Amanda is in labor We rushed to the hospital and me and Amanda talked and said if it's a boy we're gonna name it Ken and if it's a girl Heidi we wanted to be surprised.So now we're at the hospital and I ask Alesha "How is she" Alesha said "Well she giving birth right now" I said "What she is" Alesha smiled cause my face blew up in happiness but I couldn't turn around cause my wife was right there and Alesha said "Yes Chris is with her ,She's doing just fine" I sat next to my wife and 10Mins later I look up and see the doctor then everybody looked up when the doctor said "y'all may come and see the baby" I rushed to the room my wife fell asleep cause she was still tired but Alesha and David came and I see Amanda and our baby in her hands I walked up to her and said "It's a girl" and I'm about to cry but I have to hold it in cause Chris will get suspicious and Amanda says "Yes it's a girl and her name is Heidi" then I said "can I hold her" Chris said "Of course" she's in my arms gorgeous baby girl she has my eyes and nose the rest looks like Amanda

Amanda's POV
I see Simon holding our babygirl it just makes me want to cry cause she so beautiful and I can tell Simon wants to cry and I'm happy cause she was the first baby to come out my wound it shook me when they told me I could give birth to her from my wound ,I told that I had problems getting pregnant.Then Chris said "this is our babygirl" and he went to go grab her cause simon wouldn't let go ,I just smiled cause the baby is not Chris. So Chris Grabs the baby and say "Her nose it different she doesn't have my eyes either" I start to panic cause those features look like Simon and Simon said "well she probably got it from her mother" but then Chris stopped and looked at Simons features and Chris said "Heidi's eyes kinda looks like yours Simon" and Simon said "What a coincidence" then Chris yelled "and her nose Amanda is this baby even mine" I panicked and BLACKOUT!

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