Thirty (II)

18 3 3

July 20th, 2017

"I found him."

As soon as the words left Namjoon's mouth and entered Victoria's ears through the receiver, she froze. There was no questioning—he could only be talking about one person. The only person that could make her heart beat faster and slower at the same time.

"You," she stuttered. "You found him?"

"Yes!" he whispered. "Get over here before he leaves."

Her pulse quickened at an alarming rate, causing her to take large, heaving breaths. "Are you sure? I mean...what if he doesn't want to see me?"

"Victoria, please," Namjoon pleaded. "You two need to talk."

She nodded, determination setting in. "Okay...I'm on my way."


The convenience store was bright against the night sky, almost blinding her when she pulled up. Anxiety gnawed at her nerves—it was like when she went to Hoseok and Jimin's studio to see them a few days back.

Hoseok wasn't there, and Jimin seemed more depressed than usual. He was a mess. The minute he saw Victoria he latched onto her and cried, blubbering nonsense and apologies. That was in front of a class. Needless to say, Victoria had to send everyone home because Jimin was still sobbing, never letting go of her.

When Hoseok did arrive, she was still trying to calm Jimin down. Hoseok was the opposite of his best friend. He was cold and distant, so unlike his usual self. He was clearly less than pleased that Jimin had to cancel a class and that Victoria was the reason. It was as if he resented her. Like the only thing he felt when faced with her was regret.

She was afraid that Jin would feel that way as well. What if he held regret for the time they spent together? What if he never wanted to see her again?

Her thoughts were cut short when she realized that her headlights had brought attention to her from the only two people inside the store. Namjoon seemed relieved that she had arrived before Jin left.

Jin was enamoured.

His eyes, slightly wide, focused on her own through the glass windows as she exited her vehicle. He made his way to the door slowly and pushed it open, keeping his gaze on her as if she would disappear if he blinked.

Jin had already begun to cry before he swept her into his strong embrace. They both lost it, sobs shaking their shoulders as they held each other in the faint blue light of the gas station. Victoria had missed him so much she could hardly stand it.

"I'm sorry," she wept over and over into his chest.

He pulled away to grab her wet face in his hands. She reached a few fingers up to brush his tears away, but he pressed his lips against hers before she could.

Jin kissed her like she was air and he couldn't breathe.

Namjoon smiled from inside. He thought all was right with the world when Jin and Victoria were together.

How wrong he was.

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