Twenty Four

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Looking back, I had known all along that underneath the glittering world before my eyes lay my deception that everything was to collapse with a breath of wind. I turned away, sidestepped, simply closed my eyes. I was afraid—afraid to be loved for who I am. Even by Victoria, who I thought was my soul mate. Maybe she is, but not in this dimension. 

The sound of freight trains pierced the evening air. A summer breeze rolled over the many trees and buildings in the city, carrying with it the crisp scent of jasmine that sprouted on mountains in the distance.

Blades of grass that glistened with droplets of water from the storms ruffled in the wind's dominance. Street lights beamed to the street below, washing it in a pale yellow light.

Namjoon toyed with the hair tie between is fingers, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. The girl had dropped it when she was passing out papers on the street. Some flyers talking about a fundraiser. He would've paid more attention if he hadn't been so enamored by her presence.

But the hair tie he held was not hers, no. He had given it back while taking the bus. It was a chance encounter that one might call fate, but Namjoon didn't know what he believed in anymore—not after that day at the beach.

He'd set it down on her bag and got off, never to see her again.

That was a month ago, and now he was lounging behind the counter inside the gas station convenience store. Customers were rare this late at night, and he thought he could take a nap. Maybe he was just tired. Or maybe he was hoping that Victoria would come in and shove his feet off the counter like old times. Maybe he was hoping that Taehyung would come in to buy spray paint.

Maybe he wanted all of them to come in and visit like nothing had ever happened.

Because God, did he miss them.

How long had it been? He pondered this thoroughly, the answer seeming to be lost in his consciousness. It was July, and that day was in June of last year. It had been over a year since he'd seen him.

It had been too long.

And it was getting old to look up from his chair to see a large black truck and jump up, heart pounding with anticipation, for it only to be some random customer.

So when another familiar looking truck pulled up, he held no hope. It was just another person. He would probably never see him again. He knew he'd never see him again.

Namjoon stood wearily and dragged himself to the pump. The windows were tinted like Jin's truck, but it wasn't the first time. It's not like Jin was the only person in the world with a black truck.

His large hands reached for the gas nozzle, but the sound of the window lowering made him turn around. "Oh—" The cigarette in his mouth almost fell out, and he had to quickly grab it before it did. The taste of tobacco was completely taken over with dryness as the words barely left his mouth, heart beating rapidly. "Jin Hyung..."

Jin smiled at him fondly. "Long time no see."

Namjoon was so happy to see him. He swore in that moment that he could have cried, but held it back for the sake of his masculinity. He stepped back as Jin exited the truck and embraced him. Namjoon hugged back tightly. He missed his friend.

"Come inside," he insisted, tugging Jin by the arm into the store.

Jin laughed. "I can't stay long. I have a company dinner soon."

"That's okay." Namjoon walked around the other side of the counter to grab his phone. "I'll be right back. Don't move!" Leaving a confused Jin, he went into the back storage room and quickly dialed the number. "Hey," he said as soon as they picked up. 

"I found him." 


Sorry it's short but it's just a link chapter. Thank you for the 400+ readsssss :)

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