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The sound of cicadas that chirred like a shower end in an instant. In the abrupt silence, I realize life is immensely beautiful. Just the fact that you are in it makes all the difference. Even if this is a dream, this is where I choose to be.

The streets of Seoul bustled noisily as always, the summer breeze rustling new cherry blossoms and cooling the warm bodies of Seoulites that passed each other in a hurry to get nowhere in particular.

Since Jungkook and Iseul's graduation, Jin noticed the significant difference in his friends. He would have accredited Victoria, but it was a toss up.

His shoes slapped the ground as he pushed his way into a flower shop. The many floral aromas filled his sense immediately, bringing a smile to his face.

At the sound of the front door bell, the owner looked to Jin. "Hey, kid!"

Jin looked up and smiled. "Good morning."

"I haven't seen you in a while," the old man said with a boisterous laugh. "Who you trying to seduce this time?"

His fingers ran lightly over a few scattered petals on the counter. "Actually...I'm getting these flowers for my girlfriend."

The man's eyes widened in disbelief. "You? Girlfriend? No way!"

"She's actually moving in today," he said, voice tinged with the happiness he felt.

The man leaned over the counter, intrigued. "So you're telling me that between January and now, you managed to land yourself a girlfriend...and she's moving in? Already?"

"Well," Jin retracted. "I guess she's not moving in. She got fired a few months ago and is staying with me until she finds another job." Victoria had insisted on riding out her lease until her landlord kicked her out for good.

A laugh shook the man as he stood straight. "Well, you have to stop the hit and quit game at some point in your adult life. At least you're starting early." Jin sighed while browsing the flower types. "What kind are you looking for?"

"I want something happy...I want a flower that will always remind her of the good times."

"How about lilies?"

Jin smiled at him, as that was just what he was thinking. "Perfect."


Victoria had finished packing all of her things into a storage unit that morning before she made her way to Jin's place. She'd a smoked a pack in between, and had gone through her routine of mouthwash, body spray, and pretty much anything that would cover up the scent.

She had promised Jin that she wouldn't smoke anymore, and she was doing really well, but the prospect of being an unemployed loser imposing on her boyfriend's life was just too much.

Her landlord was a relatively nice woman, and allowed her to stay for a bit longer on only half of what she was supposed to pay. Victoria tried to drag it out as long as she could. She didn't want to leech off of Jin—and beside that, she could take care of herself. Or at least that's what she thought.

She parked her car next to Jin's in the detached garage below his place. His apartment was large compared to most, yet still only one bedroom.

He was waiting for her at the bottom of the wooden stairs that were crawling with ivy and wound up the side of the white townhouse amongst trees. As she got closer, Victoria saw the bouquet of lilies in his hands that complimented the big smile on his face.

"You got me flowers?" she asked, touched by the gesture.

He pressed his lips together. "Oh, this is awkward...these are actually for my wife," he joked.

Regret Me Not | 김석진जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें