Chapter 28

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3rd Person POV-
Emma fell limp, Jon was crying, the man was smiling, the spirits seemed to be waiting for something. A green glow appeared beside Jon. "It's time for judgement." Emma's voice rang, firm yet gentle. Her spirit was in her monster form, protectively standing over Jon. He smirked, vanishing into thin air. Mat put her hands up defensively. "I didn't give him that ability, wasn't me." Emma sighed, before looking at Jon. "You know I'll always be with you," she told him kneeling down and hugging him. "I know... but the house will be so empty... And what if I find someone? Who will be there with me?" Jon asked. Emma laughed. "I sure hope you haven't found anyone just yet! You're still a kid!" the orange spirit spoke, ruffling his hair. The light blue figure stepped forward, "We need to go, we're almost out of time." Emma nodded and gave Jon one last hug. "Don't leave! Please...." he held her tightly. She pulled away, placing her hand above his heart. "I never will." She smiled, and they all started to fade away. Jon went to lay on the ground, and fell asleep on the grass, tear stained and weak, yet stronger.

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