Chapter 1

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Jon's POV-
I was practicing my part of a song that my mom wrote. She writes songs and sings in her spare time, she usually has me sing the male parts since her brother and friends..... yeah.... I made friends with some people who were a lot like my aunts and uncles, they seemed to have the same personalities, and it kinda hurt when I met them. My mom says it's because they might be her brother and their friends souls being reborn into different people, she also says that I can't reach my full potential unless she dies or we do something weird called "fusion", she said we might train with that later. But anyway, my friends are Cory, Uni, Ashlie, Nick, Tommy, and Dawn. But I'm worried, what if they are monster hunters? What if they try to kill me and my mom if they find out what we are? I really don't know what to think......
Cory's POV-
I was laying on my bed, thinking about things. Things like, what will everyone think if/when they find out I'm an experiment gone wrong? Will they kill me? Will they think I'm a monster? I just hope that they don't freak out if/when they find out.
Uni's POV-
I was drawing when I started thinking. What if they find out I'm a monster? A werewolf to be exact. Will they hunt me? Hate me? Kill me? I'm scared, do I even want to actually tell them?
Tommy's POV-
I was sharpening my throwing daggers and knives. I'm a monster hunter. I kill monsters for sport and for money. Am I a bad guy for doing that? I don't know, it depends who you ask. Well what do you think author? I think that not all monsters are bad. Almost all other authors hate it when I break the fourth wall, you seem to be ok with it, why is that? For one I'm bored, for two it's just a one on one conversation, and for three I have learned to, at times, embrace chaos. Vright vright.
Dawn's POV-
I was listening to music when I started to think. What if my friends find out I'm an experiment? What if they think I'm a monster? What if they try and kill me? I feel like I can trust them though. I hope I'm right....
Nick's POV-
I was reading a book about the rumors of monsters. You see I'm a monster, a vampire to be exact. But I can actually go out in the sun, unlike it says in these so called "informative" books. My dad was human but then he was cursed for doing something to a being of pure kindness, which turned him into a vampire. He was killed a few years after I was born. I'm happy to not have him in my life. He was a drunk and very abusive towards my mother. But back to reality, I started to wonder what my friends would think if/when they found out about me. All I can do is hope nothing harsh happens, am I right?
Ashlie's POV-
I was practicing my shot. I'm a monster hunter. I kill monsters to protect others. When I was done I went home and messaged my friends and we got on team speak. We started playing some games and talked for a bit, soon it was time for us to all go to bed. We had arranged for us to meet up in the park tomorrow, so we can finally meet each other in person.

Sorry if this chapter seemed random. I tried to put everyone's POV in. *shrugs* I hope you all enjoyed and I hope you have an amazing day! Tem out!

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