Chapter 2

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Cory's POV-
I pulled my hood further over my head, just to make sure no one can see my camera. I was sitting on a bench in the park waiting for the others, the only problem was we don't know what each other look like yet. So we decided to meet at a certain spot so we don't just start talking to random people. Pretty soon a guy with jeans, a aqua shirt, a black jacket with aqua outline, and black headphones with aqua outline walked up to me. "Excuse me I'm looking for some people. Their names are Uni, Nick, Jon, Tommy, Cory, and Ashlie." he said simply. "My names Cory. I'm looking for those same people too. But I'm also looking for someone named Dawn." I responded. "Well I'm Dawn, so I guess we found each other." he said as he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand, I could feel the movement of mechanical joints. I whispered in his ear, "So you're an experiment too, huh?" He looked at me shocked and then I lifted up my hood just enough for him to see my camera before putting it back down. We talked for a bit before some other people started to show up.
Ashlie's POV-
I was walking to our meeting place when I saw a guy with an emoji mask walk past me. I stopped him and asked if he had seen my friends. He pointed out that he was actually Tommy. I saw that he had a few daggers and knives on his belt. "So, you're a monster hunter too." I said to him with a smirk. "Yeah dude! I shred!!!" (I am SO bad at doing Tommy. It's pathetic.) he said smiling widely and then laughing like he heard something funny. (NOT NOW TOM) He sighed and then we walked over to these two guys who were sitting in the designated spot. We asked who they were, then they pointed out they were Cory and Dawn, so we told them who we were and we started to talk when two more people walked over.
Uni's POV-
I was walking down the road when I bumped into a guy. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I apologized, helping the guy up. "It's no problem! I'm Nick by the way." he said as he shock my hand. When he smiled I saw two fangs, they were well hidden, I just learned to pay attention to detail. "I'm Uni." I told him. "Hold on, I'm supposed to meet a guy named Uni in the park today! You're probably him! Uni is a very unique name after all." he said to my. Oh! This was one of my friends! Glad to know that he's a monster. We kept walking when I accidentally stubbed my toe on a bench, I accidentally let out a small whimper, and Nick seemed to notice. "You're a monster too?!?!" he said in a hushed voice, looking around to make sure no one heard him. I sighed and nodded, "I'm a werewolf....." "That's great! I'm a vampire. I'm just happy I'm not alone in this I guess." he said to me. When we got to the spot we saw four people sitting around talking, we went up and introduced ourselves, they introduced themselves. I could tell that Tommy and Ashlie were monster hunters, which put me on edge. After we all talked for a bit the last person showed up.
Jon's POV-
I got to the park at sunrise, so I decided to explore the nearby forest. I learned the ins and outs of living in the forest when I was a child. So I climbed trees, ate fruit, and played around a bit. After a few hours I jumped down from my perch and walked to the meeting place. Little did everyone know, I had heard them talking to each other. Nick and Uni are monsters, Ashlie and Tommy are monster hunters, and Cory and Dawn are experiments. I guess I'll fit in a bit. When I got there I put on my usual silly smile. "Hello! I'm Jon! You must be Cory, Uni, Ashlie, Dawn, Nick, and Tommy!" I said to them. "Yeah, that's us!" Ashlie responded. We continued to talk for a while, we hung out and played games. Once it started getting dark we all went home. I packed my bags, I was gonna be with my mom for the next few days to help her. It's about to be the 16th anniversary of their death. I finished packing and started on my way.

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